c++ Programming Glossary: lpname
updating a string table with UpdateResource http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14088057/updating-a-string-table-with-updateresource required namely which resource ID to pass for the lpName parameter in the call to UpdateResource Since string resource..
reading an application's manifest file? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/420852/reading-an-applications-manifest-file HMODULE hModule LPCTSTR lpType LPWSTR lpName LONG_PTR lParam HRSRC hResInfo FindResource hModule lpName lpType.. lpName LONG_PTR lParam HRSRC hResInfo FindResource hModule lpName lpType DWORD cbResource SizeofResource hModule hResInfo HGLOBAL.. hResData TCHAR filename MAX_PATH if IS_INTRESOURCE lpName _stprintf_s filename _T # d.manifest lpName else _stprintf_s..