

c++ Programming Glossary: lpolestr

How do I call functions that receive floating point values using IDispatch.Invoke?


result CComVariant centimeters float 2.0 DISPID dispid LPOLESTR name L CentimetersToPoints HRESULT hr wordapp GetIDsOfNames..

Calling C++ function from JavaScript script running in a web browser control


HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE GetIDsOfNames REFIID riid LPOLESTR rgszNames UINT cNames LCID lcid DISPID rgDispId virtual HRESULT.. STDMETHODCALLTYPE JSObject GetIDsOfNames REFIID riid LPOLESTR rgszNames UINT cNames LCID lcid DISPID rgDispId HRESULT hr S_OK.. 0x8001FFFF are reserved HRESULT GetIDsOfNames REFIID riid LPOLESTR rgszNames UINT cNames LCID lcid DISPID rgDispId HR hr S_OK..

How can I convert a JavaScript array() to an ATL/COM array?


false get DISPID of length parameter from array object LPOLESTR sLengthName L length DISPID dispidLength 0 HRESULT hr pDispatch.. strIndex StringUtils IntToString i DISPID dispidIndex 0 LPOLESTR pIndex reinterpret_cast LPOLESTR const_cast WCHAR strIndex.data.. i DISPID dispidIndex 0 LPOLESTR pIndex reinterpret_cast LPOLESTR const_cast WCHAR strIndex.data hr pDispatch GetIDsOfNames IID_NULL..