c++ Programming Glossary: lpwstr
How to convert std::string to LPCSTR? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1200188/how-to-convert-stdstring-to-lpcstr string to LPCSTR Also how can I convert a std string to LPWSTR I am totally confused with these LPCSTR LPSTR LPWSTR LPCWSTR.. to LPWSTR I am totally confused with these LPCSTR LPSTR LPWSTR LPCWSTR Are LPWSTR and LPCWSTR are the same c windows string.. confused with these LPCSTR LPSTR LPWSTR LPCWSTR Are LPWSTR and LPCWSTR are the same c windows string share improve this..
C++/WinInet Change Proxy Settings Windows 7 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1781616/c-wininet-change-proxy-settings-windows-7 beginning... A final solution might look something like LPWSTR proxyName if on proxyName L http IPADDRESS PORT https IPADDRESS.. for enabling the proxy server Option 0 .Value.pszValue LPWSTR proxyName Option 1 .Value.dwValue proxyType if on Option 2.. 1 .Value.dwValue proxyType if on Option 2 .Value.pszValue LPWSTR L else Option 2 .Value.pszValue LPWSTR L OptionList.pOptions..
I want to convert std::string into a const wchar_t * http://stackoverflow.com/questions/246806/i-want-to-convert-stdstring-into-a-const-wchar-t in MultiByteToWideChar routine. That will give you an LPWSTR which is equivalent to wchar_t . share improve this answer..
How to convert CString and ::std::string ::std::wstring to each other? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/258050/how-to-convert-cstring-and-stdstring-stdwstring-to-each-other i.e. It can convert from char i.e. LPSTR or from wchar_t LPWSTR . In other words char specialization of CStringT i.e. CStringA..
reading an application's manifest file? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/420852/reading-an-applications-manifest-file EnumResourceNameCallback HMODULE hModule LPCTSTR lpType LPWSTR lpName LONG_PTR lParam HRSRC hResInfo FindResource hModule lpName..
How can I (is there a way to) convert an HRESULT into a system specific error message? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4597932/how-can-i-is-there-a-way-to-convert-an-hresult-into-a-system-specific-error-me const using std tr1 shared_ptr shared_ptr void buff LPWSTR buffPtr DWORD bufferLength FormatMessageW FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_SYSTEM.. NULL GetErrorCode 0 reinterpret_cast LPWSTR buffPtr 0 NULL buff.reset buffPtr LocalFreeHelper return std..
How to return text from Native (C++) code http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5308584/how-to-return-text-from-native-c-code
How do I marshal wchar_t* from C++ to C# as an out parameter or return value? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6089214/how-do-i-marshal-wchar-t-from-c-to-c-sharp-as-an-out-parameter-or-return-valu typically represent A string. It's the equivalent to the LPWSTR type defined in windows.h . So you marshal it as a string type...
Delete Object in Active Directory by IADS http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7912249/delete-object-in-active-directory-by-iads why would you please help me IADsContainer pCont LPWSTR adsPath L LDAP OU Sales DC Fabrikam DC com HRESULT hr ADsGetObject..
Windows CD Burning API http://stackoverflow.com/questions/82993/windows-cd-burning-api fCreate SHSTDAPI_ BOOL SHGetSpecialFolderPathW HWND hwnd LPWSTR pszPath int csidl BOOL fCreate #ifdef UNICODE #define SHGetSpecialFolderPath.. STDMETHODCALLTYPE GetRecorderDriveLetter size_is out LPWSTR pszDrive in UINT cch 0 virtual HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE Burn..
CreateProcess and CreatePipe to execute a process and return output as a string in VC++ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8547999/createprocess-and-createpipe-to-execute-a-process-and-return-output-as-a-string wPipe Create the process here. CreateProcess 0 LPWSTR csExecute.c_str 0 0 TRUE NORMAL_PRIORITY_CLASS CREATE_NO_WINDOW..