c++ Programming Glossary: lua_istable
Iterating through a Lua table from C++? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1438842/iterating-through-a-lua-table-from-c engine stack size i lua_gettop L lua_getglobal L level if lua_istable L 1 Log Get .Write engine 1 is a table lua_pushnil L if lua_isnil.. L if lua_isnil L 1 Log Get .Write engine 1 is now nil if lua_istable L 2 Log Get .Write engine 2 is now table int pred lua_next L.. num i i Log Get .Write engine stack size i lua_gettop L if lua_istable L 3 Log Get .Write engine 3 is now table lua_pop L 1 Log Get..
Managing stack with Lua and C++ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6511432/managing-stack-with-lua-and-c L LUA_GLOBALSINDEX lua_pcall L 1 1 0 if lua_gettop L 1 lua_istable L 1 int len lua_objlen L 1 for int i 1 i len i lua_pushinteger.. where your code stops making sense so this is all new . if lua_istable L 1 lua_istable does exactly what the name suggests determine.. stops making sense so this is all new . if lua_istable L 1 lua_istable does exactly what the name suggests determine if the given item..