c++ Programming Glossary: lua_getglobal
Iterating through a Lua table from C++? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1438842/iterating-through-a-lua-table-from-c Any ideas Lua file level 1 2 3 C file First I did this lua_getglobal L level for lua_pushnil L lua_next L 1 lua_pop L 2 if lua_isnumber.. number lua_pop L 1 Then I tried from the reference manual lua_getglobal L level int t 1 lua_pushnil L while lua_next L t printf s s.. L lua_type L 1 lua_pop L 1 lua_pop L 1 And finally this lua_getglobal L level lua_pushnil L lua_next L 1 if lua_isnumber L 1 int i..
Calling lua functions from .lua's using handles? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3432231/calling-lua-functions-from-luas-using-handles and store it in the registry lua_createtable L 0 1 lua_getglobal L print lua_setfield L 2 print lua_pushvalue L 1 lua_setfield..
Sending variable pointers back and forth between C++ and Lua? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3481856/sending-variable-pointers-back-and-forth-between-c-and-lua person lua_tostring L 1 associate with Person meta table lua_getglobal L Person lua_setmetatable L 2 return 1 When the other methods..
Redirecting/redefining print() for embedded Lua http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4508119/redirecting-redefining-print-for-embedded-lua NULL end of array extern int luaopen_luamylib lua_State L lua_getglobal L _G luaL_register L NULL printlib lua_pop L 1 Since you are..