c++ Programming Glossary: lcurl
How do I link libcurl to my c++ program in linux? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6302282/how-do-i-link-libcurl-to-my-c-program-in-linux step. In order to link against libcurl you need to add the lcurl command line option assuming it's installed in a standard directory.. it's installed in a standard directory g o sms . src sms.o lcurl If it's not installed in a standard directory you also need.. g o sms . src sms.o L home geekman workspace libcurl lcurl Also note that the lcurl option has to appear after the list..
Linking cURL in Makefile http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6601041/linking-curl-in-makefile Configs On my termial # curl config libs L usr local lib lcurl # curl config cflags I usr local include It's all right where.. INCLUDE Iusr local include LDFLAGS Lusr local lib LDLIBS lcurl # Details SOURCES src main.cpp OUT test all build build SOURCES.. INCLUDE I usr local include LDFLAGS L usr local lib LDLIBS lcurl # Details SOURCES src main.cpp OUT test .PHONY all all build..
Linker errors when statically linking libcurl+openssl to my project http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6999086/linker-errors-when-statically-linking-libcurlopenssl-to-my-project .. src CURLDown.cpp g L.. lib oCURLDown.exe src CURLDown.o lcurl lcrypto lwsock32 lwldap32 leay32 lidn lrtmp lssh2 lz lssl32.. this question g L.. lib oCURLDown.exe src CURLDown.o lcurl leay32 lidn lrtmp lssh2 lz lssl32 lcrypto suggests that you..