c++ Programming Glossary: ldlibs
How to make SIMPLE C++ Makefile? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2481269/how-to-make-simple-c-makefile CPPFLAGS g D_REENTRANT pthread I sw include root LDFLAGS g LDLIBS L sw lib root lCore lCint lRIO lNet lHist lGraf lGraf3d lGpad.. tool tool.o support.o g LDFLAGS o tool tool.o support.o LDLIBS tool.o tool.cc support.hh g CPPFLAGS c tool.cc support.o support.hh.. root config cflags LDFLAGS g shell root config ldflags LDLIBS shell root config libs SRCS tool.cc support.cc OBJS subst .cc..
Problem with compiling RInside examples under Windows http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5650063/problem-with-compiling-rinside-examples-under-windows shell R_HOME bin R CMD config CXXFLAGS LDFLAGS s LDLIBS RLDFLAGS RBLAS RLAPACK RINSIDELIBS RCPPLIBS CC shell R_HOME..
Linking cURL in Makefile http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6601041/linking-curl-in-makefile Librarys INCLUDE Iusr local include LDFLAGS Lusr local lib LDLIBS lcurl # Details SOURCES src main.cpp OUT test all build build.. before. build SOURCES CXX o OUT INCLUDE CFLAGS LDFLAGS LDLIBS SOURCES Notice the added LDLIBS . Oh I should add that basically.. OUT INCLUDE CFLAGS LDFLAGS LDLIBS SOURCES Notice the added LDLIBS . Oh I should add that basically what happens is that you throw..
Building multiple executables with similar rules http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7123431/building-multiple-executables-with-similar-rules call objects Makefile g o @ filter out Makefile ^ LDFLAGS LDLIBS # compile .o and generate dependencies .o .cpp Makefile g c..