

c++ Programming Glossary: layouts

Building a Mac and Windows GUI Application


for the Mac App Store. Finally even if the look is right layouts would probably still need to vary for the two platforms. Therefore.. not follow guidelines. It's mostly fixable by tweaking the layouts but needs to be done everywhere and I'd get it with Xcode for..

Why isn't sizeof for a struct equal to the sum of sizeof of each member?


differently resulting in different and incompatible data layouts. For this reason when dealing with libraries that will be used..

C++ union in C#


share improve this question You can use explicit field layouts for that StructLayout LayoutKind.Explicit public struct SampleUnion..

1D array decays to pointer, but 2D array doesn't do so, why? [duplicate]


share improve this question They have different memory layouts. A 2D array is one contiguous piece of memory while int is an..

What does this C++ code mean?


is useful for padding to conform to externally imposed layouts. end note As a special case an unnamed bit field with a width..

1D or 2D array, what's faster?


p i delete p Summary There are cases where these memory layouts fit and make sense i.e. if the number of columns per row is..

Creating an array initializer from a tuple or variadic template parameters


I want to use a std array to store the concrete data layouts const std array DataItemDescBase ItemIdType NumDataItems dataItemDescriptors..

Wrapping linked lists in iterators


practice since they'll likely have the exact same memory layouts you may be able to get away with it. However I'm not sure that..

Hand Coded GUI Versus Qt Designer GUI


Designer since Qt3 but still use it to prototype and debug layouts. For your problems You could probably get away with using the..

Structure of a C++ Object in Memory Vs a Struct


this question The C standard guarantees that memory layouts of a C struct and a C class or struct same thing will be identical.. Although as others have mentioned in practice the two layouts are likely to be identical on any compiler that you try so long..

C++ : How can I know the size of Base class SubObject?


answers. By the way MS VC and G compilers can dump class layouts for you to study. With VC just run cl.exe c d1reportAllClassLayout..

decreasing cache misses through good design


dimensional arrays of data then with the usual row order layouts access will be very fast when scanning along the preferred dimension..

Removing widgets from QGridLayout


and difficulties of row and column handling in grid layouts then read on. About QGridLayout rows and columns First note.. but also a nested layout which itself can contain nested layouts and so on. We further need to handle layout items which span..

Understanding the vtable entries


another season. This page has some good examples of vtable layouts under Table 1c . Note that they are slightly more complicated..

What are the barriers to understanding pointers and what can be done to overcome them?


and purposes this explanation and the example memory layouts are vastly simplified. There's more overhead and a lot more..

Benchmark C++ vs Java, Unrealistic results


much faster at accessing OS syscalls. Beyond that C memory layouts can be carefully tuned for cache behavior you don't get that..

Layout in memory of a struct. struct of arrays and array of structs in C/C++


A.gender contiguous in memory More generally how do the layouts in memory for a Structure of Arrays and an Array of structures..