

c++ Programming Glossary: lboost_thread

Cmake: force use of non *-mt Boost libraries?


mt lboost_system mt lboost_regex mt lboost_date_time mt lboost_thread mt lboost_filesystem mt lboost_program_options mt Wl Bdynamic..

Linker error when compiling boost.asio example


libboost_thread. g I usr local boost_1_42_0 lboost_system lboost_thread a.cpp in case of multi threaded libraries g I usr local boost_1_42_0..

Can't link against Boost.Thread 1.46.1 with MinGW 4.5.2


Boost libraries like Regex or System. g main.cpp I. L. lboost_thread mgw45 mt 1_46_1 C Users jhasse AppData Local Temp ccjYfDox.o..

C++ / Boost: Undefined Symbols in example?


I'm using g chat_client.cpp chat_message.hpp lboost_asio lboost_thread o client L opt local lib says it can't find lboost_asio I looked.. You can link with it using g source.cpp o executable lboost_thread Also you may need with boost_system library using g source.cpp..

Measuring NUMA (Non-Uniform Memory Access). No observable asymmetry. Why?


numa_free x N return 0 The Output g o numatest pthread lboost_thread lnuma O0 numatest.cpp . numatest numa_available 0 NUMA is available..

Boost linkage error in Eclipse


Linker runs returns with ld error usr bin ld cannot find lboost_thread as follows Invoking GCC C Linker g L usr local lib o boostHello3.. Linker g L usr local lib o boostHello3 . src boostHello3.o lboost_thread usr bin ld cannot find lboost_thread collect2 ld returned 1.. . src boostHello3.o lboost_thread usr bin ld cannot find lboost_thread collect2 ld returned 1 exit status Here are relevant entries..