

c++ Programming Glossary: ipl_depth_8u

OpenCV : convert the pointer in memory to image


IplImage cv_image cvCreateImageHeader cvSize width height IPL_DEPTH_8U channels if cv_image print error failed to allocate image cvSetData..

Setting ROI with mouse from a rectangle on a video


gray_roi cvCreateImage cvSize box.width box.height IPL_DEPTH_8U 1 IplImage rgb_roi cvCreateImage cvSize box.width box.height.. IplImage rgb_roi cvCreateImage cvSize box.width box.height IPL_DEPTH_8U 3 while 1 if vid_frame vid_frame cvQueryFrame capture if vid_frame..

Error in opencv code for motion detection


in the program. IplImage greyImage cvCreateImage imgSize IPL_DEPTH_8U 1 IplImage colourImage IplImage movingAverage cvCreateImage.. IplImage temp IplImage motionHistory cvCreateImage imgSize IPL_DEPTH_8U 3 Rectangle to use to put around the people. CvRect bndRect.. cvGetSize frame IplImage greyImage cvCreateImage imgSize IPL_DEPTH_8U 1 IplImage colourImage IplImage movingAverage cvCreateImage..

Convert RGB to Black & White in OpenCV


image.jpg IplImage im_gray cvCreateImage cvGetSize im_rgb IPL_DEPTH_8U 1 cvCvtColor im_rgb im_gray CV_RGB2GRAY C Mat im_rgb imread.. functions C IplImage im_bw cvCreateImage cvGetSize im_gray IPL_DEPTH_8U 1 cvThreshold im_gray im_bw 128 255 CV_THRESH_BINARY CV_THRESH_OTSU..

C++, Access Violation using OpenCV to get RGB value of pixel


int main IplImage pRGBImg cvCreateImage cvSize 5 5 IPL_DEPTH_8U 3 int width pRGBImg width int height pRGBImg height int bpp..

xutility file?


frame_copy cvCreateImage cvSize frame width frame height IPL_DEPTH_8U frame nChannels if frame origin IPL_ORIGIN_TL cvCopy frame.. faces i IplImage gray_img cvCreateImage cvGetSize img IPL_DEPTH_8U 1 IplImage clone cvCreateImage cvSize img width img height.. IplImage clone cvCreateImage cvSize img width img height IPL_DEPTH_8U img nChannels IplImage gray cvCreateImage cvSize img width..

Draw on webcam using OpenCV


image cvCreateImage cvSize frame width frame height IPL_DEPTH_8U 3 screenBuffer cvCreateImage cvSize frame width frame height.. screenBuffer cvCreateImage cvSize frame width frame height IPL_DEPTH_8U 3 cvCopy frame image 0 if drawing drawing is a global variable..

Simple object detection using OpenCV and machine learning


failed n IplImage gray cvCreateImage cvGetSize img IPL_DEPTH_8U 1 CvMemStorage storage cvCreateMemStorage 0 cvCvtColor img gray.. CV_GAUSSIAN 7 7 IplImage canny cvCreateImage cvGetSize img IPL_DEPTH_8U 1 IplImage rgbcanny cvCreateImage cvGetSize img IPL_DEPTH_8U.. 1 IplImage rgbcanny cvCreateImage cvGetSize img IPL_DEPTH_8U 3 cvCanny gray canny 50 100 3 CvSeq circles cvHoughCircles gray..

Cant get output result using cvCornerHarris()


return 1 IplImage srcImgGry cvCreateImage cvGetSize srcImg IPL_DEPTH_8U 1 cvCvtColor srcImg srcImgGry CV_RGB2GRAY Canny and Harris expect.. 1 IplImage cannyImg cvCreateImage cvGetSize srcImg IPL_DEPTH_8U 1 Corner detection using Harris corner cvCornerHarris srcImgGry.. . n return 1 IplImage gray cvCreateImage cvGetSize colored IPL_DEPTH_8U 1 cvCvtColor colored gray CV_RGB2GRAY IplImage harris cvCreateImage..