c++ Programming Glossary: ioctlsocket
Can't we use threads inside the member function of class? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12840881/cant-we-use-threads-inside-the-member-function-of-class ld n WSAGetLastError WSACleanup return 1 conResult ioctlsocket sock_ FIONBIO iMode if conResult NO_ERROR printf ioctlsocket.. sock_ FIONBIO iMode if conResult NO_ERROR printf ioctlsocket failed with error ld n conResult conResult setsockopt sock_..
Example code of libssh2 being used for port forwarding http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1580750/example-code-of-libssh2-being-used-for-port-forwarding if listener PostQuitMessage 0 LIBSSH2_CHANNEL channel NULL ioctlsocket sshsock FIONBIO mode libssh2_session_set_blocking session 0.. SOCKET local_sock socket AF_INET SOCK_STREAM IPPROTO_TCP ioctlsocket local_sock FIONBIO mode iretval connect local_sock sockaddr..
How to make 'send' as non-blocking in winsock http://stackoverflow.com/questions/17227092/how-to-make-send-as-non-blocking-in-winsock c windows winsock share improve this question The API ioctlsocket can do it.You can use it as below.But why don't you use I O..
Detecting TCP Client Disconnect http://stackoverflow.com/questions/283375/detecting-tcp-client-disconnect