c++ Programming Glossary: invoker
Simplest TBB example http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10607215/simplest-tbb-example run slow std cerr _n size_t _n template typename T struct invoker void operator T it const it int main int char tbb task_scheduler_init.. mytask i tbb parallel_for_each tasks.begin tasks.end invoker mytask std cerr std endl return 0 Both compile on a Debian Squeeze.. then run with . a.out See this question for replacing that invoker thing with a std mem_fun_ref or boost bind . share improve..
How to make generic computations over heterogeneous argument packs of a variadic template function? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14261183/how-to-make-generic-computations-over-heterogeneous-argument-packs-of-a-variadic of each base class invokes an input functor. An functor invoker for an argument pack has one base class for each argument in.. for one parameter template unsigned I typename T struct invoker_base template typename F typename U invoker_base F f U u f.. T struct invoker_base template typename F typename U invoker_base F f U u f u Necessary because a class cannot inherit the..
Call function with parameters extracted from string http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8476975/call-function-with-parameters-extracted-from-string stream extraction to the arguments template class R struct invoker R result template class F class... Args invoker F f Args ..... R struct invoker R result template class F class... Args invoker F f Args ... args result f std forward Args args ... template.. args result f std forward Args args ... template struct invoker void template class F class... Args invoker F f Args ... args..