c++ Programming Glossary: iomanip
Which I/O library do you use in your C++ code? [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/119098/which-i-o-library-do-you-use-in-your-c-code by using Boost Format Library . #include iostream #include iomanip #include boost format.hpp struct X this structure reverse engineered..
Which iomanip manipulators are 'sticky'? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1532640/which-iomanip-manipulators-are-sticky iomanip manipulators are 'sticky' I recently had a problem creating.. it back by the use of an object #include iostream #include iomanip Private object constructed by the format object PutSquareBracket..
How can I pad an int with leading zeros when using cout << operator? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1714515/how-can-i-pad-an-int-with-leading-zeros-when-using-cout-operator field to be printed and that's it. don't forget to include iomanip If you are interested in knowing how the to format output streams..
mixing cout and printf for faster output http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1924530/mixing-cout-and-printf-for-faster-output iostream #include sstream #include time.h #include iomanip #include algorithm #include iterator #include stdio.h static..
Prevent scientific notation in ostream when using << with double http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2335657/prevent-scientific-notation-in-ostream-when-using-with-double like setprecision n you will have to include the iomanip library #include iomanip setprecision n will constrain the floating.. n you will have to include the iomanip library #include iomanip setprecision n will constrain the floating output to n places..
C++ alignment when printing cout << http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2485963/c-alignment-when-printing-cout question The ISO C standard way to do it is to #include iomanip and use io manipulators like std setw . However that said those.. this for the first part of your first line using standard iomanip facilities cout setw 20 Artist setw 20 Title setw 8 Price .....
Can I use a binary literal in C or C++? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2611764/can-i-use-a-binary-literal-in-c-or-c stdlib.h #include bitset #include iostream #include iomanip using namespace std int main unsigned short b BOOST_BINARY 10010..
C++ format macro / inline ostringstream http://stackoverflow.com/questions/303562/c-format-macro-inline-ostringstream noshowpos Or any other standard manipulator. #include iomanip Reference See Insert data with format 1 3 of the way down on..
How does does ifstream eof() work? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4533063/how-does-does-ifstream-eof-work utility #include sstream #include iostream #include iomanip #include cstdio #include cmath #include cstdlib #include ctime..
c++ cout hex values? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/479373/c-cout-hex-values c hex cout share improve this question Use #include iomanip ... cout hex a There are many other options to control the exact..
int to hex string in c++ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5100718/int-to-hex-string-in-c c decimal hex int share improve this question Use iomanip 's std hex . If you print just send it to std cout if not then..
How to get IOStream to perform better? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5166263/how-to-get-iostream-to-perform-better benchmarking #include fstream #include iostream #include iomanip #include cmath #include cstdio #include sys time.h template..
How can I create cartesian product of vector of vectors? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5279051/how-can-i-create-cartesian-product-of-vector-of-vectors some body help me with this. #include iostream #include iomanip #include vector using namespace std int main vector vector int..
Why should one not derive from c++ std string class? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6006860/why-should-one-not-derive-from-c-std-string-class see it's output on codepad.org #include ostream #include iomanip struct Base int aMemberForASize Base std cout Constructing a..
Why comparing double and float leads to unexpected result? [duplicate] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6722293/why-comparing-double-and-float-leads-to-unexpected-result sequence 0.00011001100110011 code An example #include iomanip int main using namespace std cout setprecision 17 double dValue..
c++: Format number with commas? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7276826/c-format-number-with-commas question Use std locale with std stringstream #include iomanip #include locale template class T std string FormatWithCommas..
Windows 7 timing functions - How to use GetSystemTimeAdjustment correctly? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7685762/windows-7-timing-functions-how-to-use-getsystemtimeadjustment-correctly testing code #include windows.h #include iostream #include iomanip int main FILETIME fileStart GetSystemTimeAsFileTime fileStart..