c++ Programming Glossary: io_service.run
Code::Blocks and Boost Asio. It just wont work [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11497160/codeblocks-and-boost-asio-it-just-wont-work namespace std For atoi. server s io_service atoi argv 1 io_service.run catch std exception e std cerr Exception e.what n return 0 Here..
Confused when boost::asio::io_service run method blocks/unblocks http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15568100/confused-when-boostasioio-service-run-method-blocks-unblocks buffer handle_async_receive 3 io_service.post print 4 io_service.run 5 A handler is nothing more than a callback. In the example.. In the example the print handler will be invoked when io_service.run 5 is invoked. An asynchronous operation is initiated by a function.. and populating the buffer . This work is performed within io_service.run 5 . Invoking the handle_async_receive ReadHandler . Once again..
How to launch an “event” when my Boost::asio tcp server just start running ( AKA io_service.run() )? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15829165/how-to-launch-an-event-when-my-boostasio-tcp-server-just-start-running-aka when my Boost asio tcp server just start running AKA io_service.run Based on an boost asio client server relationship I have to.. server io_service 123 too early to run.set_value true io_service.run too late to run.set_value true int main int argc char argv std.. promise can be set after server is constructed and before io_service.run void server_thread std promise bool run boost asio io_service..
boost asio io_service.run() http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1982595/boost-asio-io-service-run asio io_service.run I was just going over the asio chat server example . My question.. server example . My question is about their usage of the io_service.run function. The documentation for the io_service.run function.. of the io_service.run function. The documentation for the io_service.run function says The run function blocks until all work has finished..
Boost::Asio : io_service.run() vs poll() or how do I integrate boost::asio in mainloop http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4705411/boostasio-io-service-run-vs-poll-or-how-do-i-integrate-boostasio-in-ma Asio io_service.run vs poll or how do I integrate boost asio in mainloop I am currently.. not really sure how to deal with. As far as I understand io_service.run method is basically a loop which runs until there is nothing.. services. Is this a valid approach or should I rather use io_service.run in a non blocking extra thread c networking tcp boost asio..
BOOST ASIO - How to write console server http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5210796/boost-asio-how-to-write-console-server
Some clarification needed about synchronous versus asynchronous asio operations http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5282659/some-clarification-needed-about-synchronous-versus-asynchronous-asio-operations fact that the asynchronous operations are controlled by an io_service.run that does not finish until the controlled operations has finalized...