c++ Programming Glossary: io_service_
Code::Blocks and Boost Asio. It just wont work [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11497160/codeblocks-and-boost-asio-it-just-wont-work public server boost asio io_service io_service short port io_service_ io_service acceptor_ io_service tcp endpoint tcp v4 port session_ptr.. endpoint tcp v4 port session_ptr new_session new session io_service_ acceptor_.async_accept new_session socket boost bind server.. if error new_session start new_session.reset new session io_service_ acceptor_.async_accept new_session socket boost bind server..
Thread pool using boost asio http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12215395/thread-pool-using-boost-asio thread.hpp class thread_pool private boost asio io_service io_service_ boost asio io_service work work_ boost thread_group threads_.. @brief Constructor. thread_pool std size_t pool_size work_ io_service_ available_ pool_size for std size_t i 0 i pool_size i threads_.create_thread.. boost bind boost asio io_service run io_service_ @brief Destructor. ~thread_pool Force all threads to return..
HOWTO: post messages between threads with Boost::asio? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/17311512/howto-post-messages-between-threads-with-boostasio 0 0 PM_REMOVE TranslateMessage msg DispatchMessage msg if io_service_.stopped io_service_.reset error_code ec io_service_.poll_one.. msg DispatchMessage msg if io_service_.stopped io_service_.reset error_code ec io_service_.poll_one ec Now when you post.. msg if io_service_.stopped io_service_.reset error_code ec io_service_.poll_one ec Now when you post functors to io_service_ you actually..