c++ Programming Glossary: htoken
How to turn off pc via windows API? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1503839/how-to-turn-off-pc-via-windows-api text But i have problem how to get that parameter HANDLE hToken access token handle I think i need to make it in the next order.. . maybe you have jere some example how i get that HANDLE hToken parameter to make that work . By the way I already saw the following..
JNI Freeing Memory to Avoid Memory Leak http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1533378/jni-freeing-memory-to-avoid-memory-leak nt_domain const char nt_id const char nt_password HANDLE hToken 0 bool aut false nt_domain env GetStringUTFChars domain NULL.. nt_password LOGON32_LOGON_NETWORK LOGON32_PROVIDER_DEFAULT hToken release buffers env ReleaseStringUTFChars domain nt_domain env.. password nt_password release the login handle CloseHandle hToken if aut return env NewStringUTF true DWORD dwError GetLastError..
Windows Vista/Win7 Privilege Problem: SeDebugPrivilege & OpenProcess http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2932461/windows-vista-win7-privilege-problem-sedebugprivilege-openprocess aa446619 28VS.85 29.aspx Enable SeDebugPrivilege HANDLE hToken NULL TOKEN_PRIVILEGES tokenPriv LUID luidDebug if OpenProcessToken.. OpenProcessToken GetCurrentProcess TOKEN_ADJUST_PRIVILEGES hToken FALSE if LookupPrivilegeValue NULL SE_DEBUG_NAME luidDebug FALSE.. .Attributes SE_PRIVILEGE_ENABLED if AdjustTokenPrivileges hToken FALSE tokenPriv 0 NULL NULL FALSE Always successful even in..
Launching a .Net winforms application interactively from a service http://stackoverflow.com/questions/564829/launching-a-net-winforms-application-interactively-from-a-service ZeroMemory pi sizeof pi if bInteractive HANDLE hToken NULL DWORD dwSessionId WTSGetActiveConsoleSessionId WTSQueryUserToken.. WTSGetActiveConsoleSessionId WTSQueryUserToken dwSessionId hToken sui.lpDesktop TEXT winsta0 default LPVOID pEnv NULL DWORD dwCreationFlag.. TEXT Userenv.dll if hModu if CreateEnvironmentBlock pEnv hToken FALSE dwCreationFlag CREATE_UNICODE_ENVIRONMENT else pEnv NULL..
How can I get a process handle by its name in C++? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/865152/how-can-i-get-a-process-handle-by-its-name-in-c windows.h #include tlhelp32.h void EnableDebugPriv HANDLE hToken LUID luid TOKEN_PRIVILEGES tkp OpenProcessToken GetCurrentProcess.. GetCurrentProcess TOKEN_ADJUST_PRIVILEGES TOKEN_QUERY hToken LookupPrivilegeValue NULL SE_DEBUG_NAME luid tkp.PrivilegeCount.. 0 .Attributes SE_PRIVILEGE_ENABLED AdjustTokenPrivileges hToken false tkp sizeof tkp NULL NULL CloseHandle hToken int main int..
How can I hook Windows functions in C/C++? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/873658/how-can-i-hook-windows-functions-in-c-c windows.h #include tlhelp32.h void EnableDebugPriv HANDLE hToken LUID luid TOKEN_PRIVILEGES tkp OpenProcessToken GetCurrentProcess.. GetCurrentProcess TOKEN_ADJUST_PRIVILEGES TOKEN_QUERY hToken LookupPrivilegeValue NULL SE_DEBUG_NAME luid tkp.PrivilegeCount.. 0 .Attributes SE_PRIVILEGE_ENABLED AdjustTokenPrivileges hToken false tkp sizeof tkp NULL NULL CloseHandle hToken int main int..