c++ Programming Glossary: html
Application developers wanting to start web development? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1032245/application-developers-wanting-to-start-web-development Important links XHTML Tutorial http www.w3schools.com html default.asp CSS Tutorial http www.w3schools.com css default.asp..
How do I build a GUI in C++? [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1186017/how-do-i-build-a-gui-in-c an embedded webserver into your program and have an html web based interface. The one exception that I've encountered..
How is heap and stack memories managed, implemented, allocated? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1212797/how-is-heap-and-stack-memories-managed-implemented-allocated
Very poor boost::lexical_cast performance http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1250795/very-poor-boostlexical-cast-performance providing a link http www.boost.org doc libs 1_49_0 doc html boost_lexical_cast performance.html I don't have access right.. doc libs 1_49_0 doc html boost_lexical_cast performance.html I don't have access right now to boost 1.49 but I do remember..
Is there a standard date/time class in C++? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1650715/is-there-a-standard-date-time-class-in-c are some examples http www.boost.org doc libs 1_55_0 doc html date_time date_time_io.html#date_time.io_tutorial . If you did.. doc libs 1_55_0 doc html date_time date_time_io.html#date_time.io_tutorial . If you did not try out boost yet I encourage..
Determine if Type is a pointer in a template function http://stackoverflow.com/questions/301330/determine-if-type-is-a-pointer-in-a-template-function http www.boost.org doc libs 1_37_0 libs type_traits doc html boost_typetraits reference is_pointer.html share improve this..
C++ HTML template framework, templatizing library, HTML generator library http://stackoverflow.com/questions/355650/c-html-template-framework-templatizing-library-html-generator-library project. http rgrz.tumblr.com post 13808947359 review of html template engines in c language ClearSilver Site http www.clearsilver.net.. 2010 Templatizer Site http www.lazarusid.com libtemplate.shtml Project download only Group none License free to use Language.. none HTML Template C Site http nulidex.com code docs html_template Project http sourceforge.net projects htmltemplatec..
Obtain a std::ostream either from std::cout or std::ofstream(file) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/366955/obtain-a-stdostream-either-from-stdcout-or-stdofstreamfile http www2.roguewave.com support docs sourcepro edition9 html stdlibug 34 2.html int main int argc char argv std ostream fp.. support docs sourcepro edition9 html stdlibug 34 2.html int main int argc char argv std ostream fp 1 if argc 1 fp..
Boost Thread tutorials [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/415994/boost-thread-tutorials Boost 1.37 Threads http www.boost.org doc libs 1_37_0 doc html thread.html What's New in Boost Threads Recent changes to the.. Threads http www.boost.org doc libs 1_37_0 doc html thread.html What's New in Boost Threads Recent changes to the Boost Thread..
How to format a datetime to string using boost? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5018188/how-to-format-a-datetime-to-string-using-boost format dd mm yyyy http www.boost.org doc libs 1_35_0 doc html date_time date_time_io.html#date_time.time_facet http www.cplusplus.com.. doc libs 1_35_0 doc html date_time date_time_io.html#date_time.time_facet http www.cplusplus.com reference iostream..
Precompiled headers with GCC http://stackoverflow.com/questions/58841/precompiled-headers-with-gcc link to the example http www.boost.org doc libs 1_43_0 doc html xpressive user_s_guide.html#boost_xpressive.user_s_guide.examples.. doc libs 1_43_0 doc html xpressive user_s_guide.html#boost_xpressive.user_s_guide.examples I couldn't get it to work..
Variable Sized Struct C++ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/688471/variable-sized-struct-c
How to write a regular expression for html parsing? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/792679/how-to-write-a-regular-expression-for-html-parsing to write a regular expression for html parsing I'm trying to write a regular expression for my html.. parsing I'm trying to write a regular expression for my html parser. I want to match a html tag with given attribute eg... a regular expression for my html parser. I want to match a html tag with given attribute eg. div with class tab news selected..
How to download a file with WinHTTP in C/C++? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/822714/how-to-download-a-file-with-winhttp-in-c-c a file with WinHTTP in C C I know how to download an html txt page. For example Variables DWORD dwSize 0 DWORD dwDownloaded.. hConnect L GET L ref multimedia podcasts.html NULL WINHTTP_NO_REFERER NULL NULL Send a request. if hRequest..
Options for web scraping - C++ version only http://stackoverflow.com/questions/834768/options-for-web-scraping-c-version-only share improve this question libcurl to download the html file libtidy to convert to valid xml libxml to parse navigate..
How can I implement a C++ class in Python, to be called by C++? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9040669/how-can-i-implement-a-c-class-in-python-to-be-called-by-c ~jwicks boost libs python doc tutorial doc html python exposing.html#python.class_virtual_functions but this.. boost libs python doc tutorial doc html python exposing.html#python.class_virtual_functions but this isn't quite right. To..
Good C++ GUI library for Windows http://stackoverflow.com/questions/115045/good-c-gui-library-for-windows set of controls with decent features. The ability to drop HTML almost everywhere is a happiness for which I love wxWidgets..
Add support to print & preview HTML in a dialog-based MFC app http://stackoverflow.com/questions/18926793/add-support-to-print-preview-html-in-a-dialog-based-mfc-app support to print preview HTML in a dialog based MFC app I have a two part question. I need.. MFC project. The document being printed is composed using HTML. I know that I can add HTML based dialog but how do you add.. printed is composed using HTML. I know that I can add HTML based dialog but how do you add a capability for printing to..
How to detect code duplication during development? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/191614/how-to-detect-code-duplication-during-development Update Also works with Java C# C COBOL Ruby JSP ASP HTML XML Visual Basic Groovy source code and even plain text files..
C++ HTML template framework, templatizing library, HTML generator library http://stackoverflow.com/questions/355650/c-html-template-framework-templatizing-library-html-generator-library HTML template framework templatizing library HTML generator library.. HTML template framework templatizing library HTML generator library I am looking for template generator libraries.. unknown Last Release unknown Document none Community none HTML Template C Site http nulidex.com code docs html_template Project..
How can I read and manipulate CSV file data in C++? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/415515/how-can-i-read-and-manipulate-csv-file-data-in-c SQL import export Excel OO spreadsheet files or even an HTML table rendering. Your memory footprint is likely to be smaller..
What is a good desktop programming language to learn for a web developer? [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/527700/what-is-a-good-desktop-programming-language-to-learn-for-a-web-developer programming language preferably C C or C#. I'm a PHP HTML CSS programmer and I would like to get into desktop applications...
Windows 8, C++ and Metro GUI samples? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7418400/windows-8-c-and-metro-gui-samples that will be capable to call functions from my C code HTML XAML or what And where to see code sample of doing markup call..
C++, C# and JavaScript on WinRT [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7466303/c-c-sharp-and-javascript-on-winrt highest level dynamically typed GC. You can only use HTML5 CSS for your UI the XAML framework Windows.UI.XAML namespace.. not available. Provides some standard JS APIs specified by HTML5 in addition to the available surface of WinRT such as local.. framework is the default one for UI but you can also use HTML by using WebView control. Provides full access to WinRT libraries..
How to write a regular expression for html parsing? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/792679/how-to-write-a-regular-expression-for-html-parsing provide some examples of why it is hard to parse XML and HTML with a regex Can you provide an example of parsing HTML with..
Options for web scraping - C++ version only http://stackoverflow.com/questions/834768/options-for-web-scraping-c-version-only and nothing else so please do not direct me to Options for HTML scraping or other SO questions answers where C is not even mentioned...
What embedded browser for C++ project? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/835201/what-embedded-browser-for-c-project typical browser has HTTP client cookies support DOM style HTML parser JavaScript engine except rendering. Because I don't need.. browser mainly because I have much trouble finding C HTML parser which could handle broken HTML like browsers do. If you.. trouble finding C HTML parser which could handle broken HTML like browsers do. If you know any please answer Library Recommendation..