c++ Programming Glossary: getx
C++ Shared Library with Templates: Undefined symbols error http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1022623/c-shared-library-with-templates-undefined-symbols-error myclass Type x public myclass x 0 void setx Type y Type getx shared.cpp #include shared.h template class Type void myclass.. Type setx Type y x y template class Type Type myclass Type getx return x main.cpp #include iostream #include shared.h using.. std int main int argc char argv myclass int m cout m.getx endl m.setx 10 cout m.getx endl return 0 This is how I compile..
How come a non-const reference cannot bind to a temporary object? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1565600/how-come-a-non-const-reference-cannot-bind-to-a-temporary-object non const reference to a temporary object which function getx returns Clearly this is prohibited by C Standard but I am interested.. a reference to the standard. struct X X ref return this X getx return X void g X x int f const X x getx OK X x getx error X.. ref return this X getx return X void g X x int f const X x getx OK X x getx error X x getx .ref OK g getx error g getx .ref..
Inner class accessing outer class http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11405069/inner-class-accessing-outer-class read the value of X like this struct FSM public int x int getX return x struct submachine void onentry int g getX This gives.. x int getX return x struct submachine void onentry int g getX This gives the following error Error 'FSM getX' illegal call.. int g getX This gives the following error Error 'FSM getX' illegal call of non static member function My question is submachine..
How can I use C++ with Objective-C in XCode http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2683101/how-can-i-use-c-with-objective-c-in-xcode and hello.cpp for class implementation. class Hello int getX ... And I use this class in Objective C function. #include hello.h.. adderTwo id sender Hello hi new Hello int value hi getX NSLog @ Hello d value textField setIntValue value When I compile..
in C++ , what's so special about “_MOVE_H”? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3345159/in-c-whats-so-special-about-move-h y public Move int initX 0 int initY 0 x initX y initY int getX return x void setX int newX x newX int getY return y void setY..
C++: Creating a shared object rather than a shared pointer to an object http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4410790/c-creating-a-shared-object-rather-than-a-shared-pointer-to-an-object A A int x mX x virtual void setX int x mX x virtual int getX const return mX private int mX class HelpfulContainer public.. a mImpl a virtual void setX int x mImpl setX x virtual int getX const return mImpl getX private boost shared_ptr A mImpl And.. int x mImpl setX x virtual int getX const return mImpl getX private boost shared_ptr A mImpl And then the main function..
Class variables: public access read-only, but private access read/write http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5424042/class-variables-public-access-read-only-but-private-access-read-write I plan to be returning a large vector instance using a getX function would only make a copy of that and it isn't really..
Portability of Native C++ properties http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5772480/portability-of-native-c-properties void setX const int x x_ x std cout x new value is x n int getX std cout reading x_ n return x_ void setY const int y y_ y std.. getY std cout reading y_ n return y_ Property Foo int Foo getX Foo setX x Property Foo int Foo getY Foo setY y Foo int x0 int..
With a private modifier, why can the member in other objects be accessed directly? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7396846/with-a-private-modifier-why-can-the-member-in-other-objects-be-accessed-directl int x public A x 90 A A a1 A a2 a1.x 10 a2.x 20 int getX return this x I know that code might be weird but I don't..
The Pimpl Idiom in practice http://stackoverflow.com/questions/843389/the-pimpl-idiom-in-practice Point rhs void setX double x void setY double y double getX const double getY const private class PointImpl PointImpl pimpl..