

c++ Programming Glossary: get_signature

Inferring the call signature of a lambda or arbitrary callable for “make_function”


I'm looking for one or other of template typename F using get_signature ... template typename F std function get_signature T make_function.. F using get_signature ... template typename F std function get_signature T make_function F f ... such that make_function int i return.. volatile using type R A... template typename T struct get_signature_impl using type typename remove_class decltype std remove_reference..

How to write a wrapper over functions and member functions that executes some code before and after the wrapped function?


over your function and then overload boost python detail get_signature to accept your Functor UPDATE Added support for member functions.. R_ class P0_ class P1_ inline boost mpl vector R_ P0_ P1_ get_signature FuncWrapper R_ P0_ P1_ void 0 return boost mpl vector R_ P0_.. R_ class C_ class P0_ inline boost mpl vector R_ C_ P0_ get_signature MemberFuncWrapper R_ C_ P0_ void 0 return boost mpl vector..

Isn't the template argument (the signature) of std::function part of its type?


An example version can be found here which relies on the get_signature metafunction that is partially specialized on function pointer.. how pattern matching can work in C template class F struct get_signature template class R struct get_signature R typedef R type template.. class F struct get_signature template class R struct get_signature R typedef R type template class R class A1 struct get_signature..