c++ Programming Glossary: getwindowrect
OpenGL two different 3d rendering picture control on single MFC dialog not working http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12227586/opengl-two-different-3d-rendering-picture-control-on-single-mfc-dialog-not-work in the dialog editor CRect rect GetDlgItem IDC_STATIC_GL GetWindowRect rect ScreenToClient rect Convert screen coordinates to client.. OpenGL Window's timer to render GetDlgItem IDC_STATIC_GL2 GetWindowRect rect ScreenToClient rect Convert screen coordinates to client.. case SIZE_MAXIMIZED Get the current window rect GetWindowRect m_rect Move the window accordingly MoveWindow 6 6 cx 14 cy..
Bitmap transfer using Winsock, GetDIBits and SetDiBits [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3539874/bitmap-transfer-using-winsock-getdibits-and-setdibits GetDC hActive HDC CopyDC CreateCompatibleDC ActiveDC GetWindowRect hActive r int scrWidth r.right r.left int scrHeight r.bottom.. scrWidth scrWidth newWidth scrHeight newHeight RECT r GetWindowRect hwnd r SetWindowPos hwnd NULL r.left r.top scrWidth scrHeight..
How to check if an other program is running in fullscreen mode, eg. a media player http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3797802/how-to-check-if-an-other-program-is-running-in-fullscreen-mode-eg-a-media-play using a combination of EnumWindows GetWindowInfo and GetWindowRect does the trick. bool IsTopMost HWND hwnd WINDOWINFO info GetWindowInfo.. HWND hwnd const int cx const int cy RECT r GetWindowRect hwnd r return r.right r.left cx r.bottom r.top cy bool IsFullscreenAndMaximized..
window border width and height in Win32 - how do I get it? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/431470/window-border-width-and-height-in-win32-how-do-i-get-it for any help c winapi share improve this question The GetWindowRect and GetClientRect functions can be used calculate the size of.. rcClient rcWind POINT ptDiff GetClientRect hWnd rcClient GetWindowRect hWnd rcWind ptDiff.x rcWind.right rcWind.left rcClient.right..
How to save the client area of a child Window to a Bitmap file? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5950259/how-to-save-the-client-area-of-a-child-window-to-a-bitmap-file c bitmapimage share improve this question RECT rect 0 GetWindowRect hwnd rect ATL CImage image_ new CImage image_ Create rect.right.. hwnd HDC hTargetDC CreateCompatibleDC hDC RECT rect 0 GetWindowRect hwnd rect HBITMAP hBitmap CreateCompatibleBitmap hDC rect.right..
How to get screen resolution in C++? [duplicate] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8690619/how-to-get-screen-resolution-in-c Get the size of screen to the variable desktop GetWindowRect hDesktop desktop The top left corner will have coordinates 0..
How to draw in the nonclient area? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/99623/how-to-draw-in-the-nonclient-area GetMenuBarInfo OBJID_MENU 0 menuInfo CRect windowBounds GetWindowRect windowBounds CRect menuBounds menuInfo.rcBar menuBounds.OffsetRect..