c++ Programming Glossary: getvalue
Make interchangeable class types via pointer casting only, without having to allocate any new objects? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11219159/make-interchangeable-class-types-via-pointer-casting-only-without-having-to-all then you can do something like this struct AccessorFoo int getValue NodeBase n return n getValueFoo struct AccessorBar int getValue.. this struct AccessorFoo int getValue NodeBase n return n getValueFoo struct AccessorBar int getValue NodeBase n return n getValueBar.. NodeBase n return n getValueFoo struct AccessorBar int getValue NodeBase n return n getValueBar template typename AccessorT..
Polymorphism & Pointers to arrays http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1411844/polymorphism-pointers-to-arrays to arrays I have a class A class A public virtual double getValue 0 And a class B class B public A public virtual double getValue.. 0 And a class B class B public A public virtual double getValue return 0.0 And then in main I do A var var new B 100 std cout.. And then in main I do A var var new B 100 std cout var 0 .getValue This works fine std cout var 1 .getValue This or any other index..
Why this warning from IBM XL C/C++ compiler? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1615660/why-this-warning-from-ibm-xl-c-c-compiler operator const Thing int n_ public Thing int n n_ n int getValue const return n_ void show const Thing t std cout t.getValue.. const return n_ void show const Thing t std cout t.getValue std endl int main show 3 IBM XL C C 8.0 compiler under AIX emits..
Overloading operator<< for a templated class http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1810753/overloading-operator-for-a-templated-class T nb if nb return if nb getLeft streamIND nb getLeft os nb getValue if nb getRight streamIND nb getRight This method is in UsingTree..
Is there anyway to write the following as a C++ macro? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2196155/is-there-anyway-to-write-the-following-as-a-c-macro the following as a C macro my_macro 1 hello world blah getValue std endl should expand into std ostringstream oss oss 1 hello.. expand into std ostringstream oss oss 1 hello world blah getValue std endl ThreadSafeLogging oss.str Thanks EDIT the accepted..
JNI how to access Java Object (Integer) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2630529/jni-how-to-access-java-object-integer data jmethodID mGetValue jenv GetMethodID peerCls getValue Ljava lang Integer if mGetValue NULL return 1 jobject value.. value pubilc Data Integer v this.value v public Integer getValue return value public void setValue Integer value this.value value..
Is private member hacking defined behaviour? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2834414/is-private-member-hacking-defined-behaviour I have the following class class BritneySpears public int getValue return m_value private int m_value Which is an external library.. define the following class class AshtonKutcher public int getValue return m_value public int m_value And then do BritneySpears.. b a m_value 17 Print out the value std cout b.getValue std endl I know this is bad practice. But just out of curiosity..
How to determine CPU and memory consumption from inside a process? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/63166/how-to-determine-cpu-and-memory-consumption-from-inside-a-process '0' line '9' line line i 3 ' 0' i atoi line return i int getValue Note this value is in KB FILE file fopen proc self status r.. Physical Memory currently used by current process Change getValue in Virtual Memory currently used by current process as follows.. Memory currently used by current process as follows int getValue Note this value is in KB FILE file fopen proc self status r..
Singleton Class in C++ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8906817/singleton-class-in-c exist... static singleton getInstance return instance int getValue return value void main singleton initialize A little bit explanation..
“Undefined symbols” linker error with simple template class http://stackoverflow.com/questions/999358/undefined-symbols-linker-error-with-simple-template-class GENE_H_INCLUDED template typename T class Gene public T getValue void setValue T value void setRange T min T max private T value.. Gene.cpp #include Gene.h template typename T T Gene T getValue return this value template typename T void Gene T setValue T..
C++ Get name of type in template http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1055452/c-get-name-of-type-in-template for just plain strings and such template typename T T GetValue const std wstring section const std wstring key std map std..
Can template polymorphism be used in place of OO polymorphism? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1213366/can-template-polymorphism-be-used-in-place-of-oo-polymorphism ICacheStrategy const c IDataSource const d Value GetValue const double void main ... Interpolator i if param 1 i new Interpolator.. ... while run double input WaitForRequest SendRequest i GetValue input Potential Template Version class Interpolator class TCacheStrategy.. TCacheStrategy class TDataSource public Interpolator Value GetValue const double may not be the best way but void ConfigCache const..
& in function declaration return type http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15995463/in-function-declaration-return-type following class Something public int m_nValue const int GetValue const return m_nValue int GetValue return m_nValue This code.. int m_nValue const int GetValue const return m_nValue int GetValue return m_nValue This code is taken from here . c function return.. this question Means return value by reference int GetValue ^ means returns a reference of int like int i 10 int GetValue..
Nullable values in C++ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2537942/nullable-values-in-c value m_IsNull false bool IsNull return m_IsNull T GetValue return m_Value private T m_Value bool m_IsNull This is how.. to bool instead of IsNull and operator instead of GetValue so you'd do void writeToDB boost optional int optional_int if..
A better way to split a string into an array of strings in C/C++ using whitespace as a delimiter http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3162108/a-better-way-to-split-a-string-into-an-array-of-strings-in-c-c-using-whitespac i int val m_TextCtrlWnd.m_gadgets i GetValue s.Empty if m_TextCtrlWnd.m_gadgets i IsKindOf RUNTIME_CLASS.. nArrIndex CLVDTListGadget m_TextCtrlWnd.m_gadgets i GetValue 1 if nIndex 1 TRACE _T The value s n strArray nArrIndex..
C++ comparing bunch of values with a given one http://stackoverflow.com/questions/639496/c-comparing-bunch-of-values-with-a-given-one this question For your request to do if InSet value GetValue1 GetValue2 GetValue3 Do something here... Try this template.. question For your request to do if InSet value GetValue1 GetValue2 GetValue3 Do something here... Try this template typename T.. For your request to do if InSet value GetValue1 GetValue2 GetValue3 Do something here... Try this template typename T class InSetHelper..