c++ Programming Glossary: getrusage
How can I find out how much memory my c++ app is using on the Mac http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1543157/how-can-i-find-out-how-much-memory-my-c-app-is-using-on-the-mac other processes you need root permission. You may also try getrusage but I never get it work properly for memory usage. Getting CPU.. it work properly for memory usage. Getting CPU time with getrusage always works to me. The function is adapted from the source..
How to determine CPU and memory consumption from inside a process? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/63166/how-to-determine-cpu-and-memory-consumption-from-inside-a-process seemed obvious at first was to use the POSIX APIs like getrusage etc. I spent some time trying to get this to work but never.. filesystem. Perhaps on Unix these parts can be replaced by getrusage and similar functions If someone with Unix know how could edit..
How to get memory usage at run time in c++? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/669438/how-to-get-memory-usage-at-run-time-in-c time of my program and display them. What i tried so far getrusage http linux.die.net man 2 getrusage int who RUSAGE_SELF struct.. What i tried so far getrusage http linux.die.net man 2 getrusage int who RUSAGE_SELF struct rusage usage int ret ret getrusage.. int who RUSAGE_SELF struct rusage usage int ret ret getrusage who usage cout usage.ru_maxrss but i always get 0. c linux..