c++ Programming Glossary: f.get
How to force std::stringstream operator >> to read an entire string? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1136359/how-to-force-stdstringstream-operator-to-read-an-entire-string d d.set 10 cout d.get endl Data float f f.set 10.33 cout f.get endl Data string s s.set string This is problem cout s.get endl..
template specialization of template class http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1318458/template-specialization-of-template-class typename T struct traits static T get foo f return f.get T template typename T1 typename T2 struct traits std pair T1..
c++11 async continuations or attempt at .then() semantics http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14200678/c11-async-continuations-or-attempt-at-then-semantics typename Work auto then Fut f Work w std future decltype w f.get return std async w f.get This would be used like auto next then.. f Work w std future decltype w f.get return std async w f.get This would be used like auto next then f int r go_and_use r..
Do I have to use atomic<bool> for “exit” bool variable? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/16111663/do-i-have-to-use-atomicbool-for-exit-bool-variable f std async std launch async thread_fn do stuff exit true f.get c c 11 atomic share improve this question Do I have to..
C++: Simple return value from std::thread? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7686939/c-simple-return-value-from-stdthread f p.get_future std thread t func std move p t.join int i f.get Or with std async higher level wrapper for threads and futures..