c++ Programming Glossary: closest
Address of register variable http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1256246/address-of-register-variable the way C does it makes sense since it is semantically closest to being correct and doesn't do things behind your back. Fun..
Is there a __CLASS__ macro in C++? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1666802/is-there-a-class-macro-in-c name c macros share improve this question The closest thing there's is to call typeid your_class .name but this produces..
cout << order of call to functions it prints? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2129230/cout-order-of-call-to-functions-it-prints is this It seems as though cout is calling the outermost closest to the function first and working its way in is that the way..
are C functions declared in <c____> headers guaranteed to be in the global namespace as well as std? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2587445/are-c-functions-declared-in-c-headers-guaranteed-to-be-in-the-global-names #include cstdio int main printf hello world n EDIT The closest I've found is this Except as noted in clauses 18..
C++ preprocessor #define-ing a keyword. Is it standards conforming? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2726204/c-preprocessor-define-ing-a-keyword-is-it-standards-conforming preprocessor share improve this question In C the closest thing to forbidding #define ing a keyword is § 2 which..
C++ template typedef http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2795023/c-template-typedef type Vector 3 is equivalent to Matrix 3 1 . In C 03 the closest approximation was template size_t N struct Vector typedef Matrix..
How to get memory usage under Windows in C++ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/282194/how-to-get-memory-usage-under-windows-in-c WorkingSetSize member of PROCESS_MEMORY_COUNTERS is the closest match to the Mem Usage coulmn in task manager but it's not going..
Programmatically create static arrays at compile time in C++ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2978259/programmatically-create-static-arrays-at-compile-time-in-c static array share improve this question The closest you can get is using C 0x features to initialize local or member..
What are Aggregates and PODs and how/why are they special? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4178175/what-are-aggregates-and-pods-and-how-why-are-they-special ways. I'll provide just some examples. POD classes are the closest to C structs. Unlike them POD's can have member functions and..
Legality of using operator delete on a pointer obtained from placement new http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4418220/legality-of-using-operator-delete-on-a-pointer-obtained-from-placement-new per litb's answer delete p legal I hope not This is the closest question I was able to find. EDIT I'm just not buying the argument..
Java's final vs. C++'s const http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4971286/javas-final-vs-cs-const the Java like behaviour that wasn't seen with the closest equivalent C keyword. So if you wanted a member function to.. Bar Previously private constructors was probably the closest you could get to this in C Interestingly in order to maintain..
How do you explain C++ pointers to a C#/Java developer? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5174725/how-do-you-explain-c-pointers-to-a-c-java-developer Storage Duration objects These are created via new and the closest to a C# Java object AKA pointers Technically pointers need to.. can be though of as fine grain garbage collectors. The closest to Java is the shared_ptr this is a smart pointer that keeps..
condition variable - why calling pthread_cond_signal() before calling pthread_cond_wait() is a logical error? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5536759/condition-variable-why-calling-pthread-cond-signal-before-calling-pthread-co share improve this question The answer of blaze comes closest but is not totally clear conditional variables should only be..
Is it possible to emulate template<auto X>? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5628121/is-it-possible-to-emulate-templateauto-x your update no. There is no such functionality in C . The closest is macros #define AUTO_ARG x decltype x x f.bar AUTO_ARG 5 f.bar..
Elegant solution to duplicate, const and non-const, getters? [duplicate] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/856542/elegant-solution-to-duplicate-const-and-non-const-getters there a real elegant solution to this if not what is the closest to one c const share improve this question I recall from..
What is the closest thing windows has to fork()? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/985281/what-is-the-closest-thing-windows-has-to-fork is the closest thing windows has to fork I guess the question says it all...
Take the address of a one-past-the-end array element via subscript: legal by the C++ Standard or not? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/988158/take-the-address-of-a-one-past-the-end-array-element-via-subscript-legal-by-the far as I can see says nothing about dereferencing it. The closest I can find is 3.9.2 3 Note for instance the address one past..