c++ Programming Glossary: clocks
Copy a file in an sane, safe and efficient way http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10195343/copy-a-file-in-an-sane-safe-and-efficient-way into the condition. It looks like the code runs now 10 000 clocks faster. Measurement changed The former results were always buffered..
Difference between std::system_clock and std::steady_clock? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13263277/difference-between-stdsystem-clock-and-stdsteady-clock 1 Objects of class steady_clock represent clocks for which values of time_point never decrease as physical time.. 1 Objects of class high_resolution_clock represent clocks with the shortest tick period. high_resolution_clock may be..
How can I measure CPU time and wall clock time on both Linux/Windows? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/17432502/how-can-i-measure-cpu-time-and-wall-clock-time-on-both-linux-windows #endif There's a bunch of ways to implement these clocks. But here's what the above snippet uses For Windows Wall Time..
C++ Timer function to provide time in nano seconds http://stackoverflow.com/questions/275004/c-timer-function-to-provide-time-in-nano-seconds performancebydesign.blogspot.com 2012 03 high resolution clocks and timers for.html Synchronizing across processors is still.. https blogs.oracle.com dholmes entry inside_the_hotspot_vm_clocks http lwn.net Articles 209101 http performancebydesign.blogspot.com.. performancebydesign.blogspot.com 2012 03 high resolution clocks and timers for.html QueryPerformanceCounter Status See the comments..
How do I find the current system timezone? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3118582/how-do-i-find-the-current-system-timezone currently at the same time but also always change their clocks on the same day as far as the system knows . Your best bet may..
Bitmap transfer using Winsock, GetDIBits and SetDiBits [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3539874/bitmap-transfer-using-winsock-getdibits-and-setdibits packetsize1 packetsize2 int biSize sizeof BITMAPINFO int i clocks oldclocks 0 while true clocks clock if clocks oldclocks CLOCKS_PER_SEC.. packetsize2 int biSize sizeof BITMAPINFO int i clocks oldclocks 0 while true clocks clock if clocks oldclocks CLOCKS_PER_SEC.. sizeof BITMAPINFO int i clocks oldclocks 0 while true clocks clock if clocks oldclocks CLOCKS_PER_SEC 0.1 continue oldclocks..
C++ Logging and performance tuning library http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4727006/c-logging-and-performance-tuning-library const QueryPerformanceCounter intermediateTime_ __int64 clocks intermediateTime_.QuadPart startTime_.QuadPart double elapsed.. startTime_.QuadPart double elapsed double clocks double TimerFreq return elapsed inline Timer ~Timer double..
Fastest Method to Split a 32 Bit number into Bytes in C++ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/741212/fastest-method-to-split-a-32-bit-number-into-bytes-in-c clock std printf Execution time for assigned shifts 08u clocks n Execution time for raw shifts 08u clocks n Execution time.. shifts 08u clocks n Execution time for raw shifts 08u clocks n Execution time for union 08u clocks n n assignedShiftsFinishedTime.. for raw shifts 08u clocks n Execution time for union 08u clocks n n assignedShiftsFinishedTime startTime rawShiftsFinishedTime..
Finding out the CPU clock frequency (per core, per processor) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8351944/finding-out-the-cpu-clock-frequency-per-core-per-processor time. However a determined cheater can tamper with all the clocks and timers in the system. There's no portable way to get the.. at 3.4 GHz . But in reality it idles at 1.6 GHz and clocks up to 4.6 GHz under load via the overclocked Turbo Boost multiplier.. A capable hacker will be able to tamper with all the clocks that you can use in C C . This includes all of the following..
Relevant boost features vs C++11 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8851670/relevant-boost-features-vs-c11 in C 11 Boost.Chrono has I O and rounding and many other clocks etc. so you may still want to take a look at the boost ones..