c++ Programming Glossary: cls
cin and getline skipping input http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10553597/cin-and-getline-skipping-input invokes mainMenu only void mainMenu char choice do system cls mainMenuDisplay cin choice system cls switch choice case '1'.. choice do system cls mainMenuDisplay cin choice system cls switch choice case '1' customerMenu break case '2' dvdMenu.. is customerMenu void customerMenu char choice do system cls manageCustomerMenu cin choice system cls switch choice case..
undefined reference to `JNI_CreateJavaVM' linux http://stackoverflow.com/questions/16860021/undefined-reference-to-jni-createjavavm-linux find invoke the Main.test method using the JNI jclass cls env FindClass Hello jmethodID mid env GetStaticMethodID cls.. env FindClass Hello jmethodID mid env GetStaticMethodID cls staticInt I I env CallStaticVoidMethod cls mid 10 We are done... cls staticInt I I env CallStaticVoidMethod cls mid 10 We are done. jvm DestroyJavaVM I've searched for this..
somehow register my classes in a list http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1691473/somehow-register-my-classes-in-a-list name myclasses.push_back name #define REGISTER_CLASS cls static MyClasses myclass_##cls #cls struct XYZ REGISTER_CLASS.. name #define REGISTER_CLASS cls static MyClasses myclass_##cls #cls struct XYZ REGISTER_CLASS XYZ The trick here is to make.. #define REGISTER_CLASS cls static MyClasses myclass_##cls #cls struct XYZ REGISTER_CLASS XYZ The trick here is to make some..
Please Solve/Answer C++ Program problems with Functions Variables http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3305127/please-solve-answer-c-program-problems-with-functions-variables of the paint job calcPaintJobCost endl system pause system cls c variables parameters function pass by reference share..
How to use a class in DLL? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4555961/how-to-use-a-class-in-dll int int int void sendMsg char int SDL_Surface void cls SDL_Surface private TTF_Font font SDL_Surface consoleImg .. 0 virtual void sendMsg char int SDL_Surface 0 virtual void cls SDL_Surface 0 class SDLConsole public ISDLConsole rest of the.. 0 class SDLConsole public ISDLConsole rest of the code __declspec dllexport ISDLConsole Create return new SDLConsole Otherwise..
What does “Class* &cls” mean in C++'s function definition? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4632528/what-does-class-cls-mean-in-cs-function-definition does &ldquo Class cls&rdquo mean in C 's function definition I know Class cls is.. cls&rdquo mean in C 's function definition I know Class cls is a pointer and Class cls takes the address but what is void.. definition I know Class cls is a pointer and Class cls takes the address but what is void fucction1 Class cls If I..
Embed Java into a C++ application? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7506329/embed-java-into-a-c-application vm_args invoke the Main.test method using the JNI jclass cls env FindClass Main jmethodID mid env GetStaticMethodID cls test.. cls env FindClass Main jmethodID mid env GetStaticMethodID cls test I V env CallStaticVoidMethod cls mid 100 We could have.. GetStaticMethodID cls test I V env CallStaticVoidMethod cls mid 100 We could have created an Object and called methods on..
JNI Calls different in C vs C++? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/935379/jni-calls-different-in-c-vs-c JNIEnv env jobject obj jclass cls env GetObjectClass env obj jmethodID mid env GetMethodID env.. GetObjectClass env obj jmethodID mid env GetMethodID env cls callback V if mid NULL return method not found printf In C..