c++ Programming Glossary: client.cpp
Why isn't my new operator called http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1054697/why-isnt-my-new-operator-called a function get_value to get this value. After that I wrote client.cpp like this #include exception #include new #include iostream.. a return 0 and compiled it with g Wall g o client ldl client.cpp Executing client I only get a New of client called and a Delete..
Getting segfault due to string data type variable in PROTOBUF server and clent communcation through sockets on recv end in cpp http://stackoverflow.com/questions/18463414/getting-segfault-due-to-string-data-type-variable-in-protobuf-server-and-clent-c By using these files I create a test_server.cpp and test_client.cpp And compile it. but at the time of both programms runing I sent.. endl Here only i get segmentation close sd close csd client.cpp #include iostream #include sys types.h #include sys socket.h..
How does the pimpl idiom reduce dependencies? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3597693/how-does-the-pimpl-idiom-reduce-dependencies Impl.hpp class Impl int data public void DoSomething client.cpp #include Pimpl.hpp int main PImpl unitUnderTest unitUnderTest.DoSomething..
How can I wrap std::wstring in boost::asio::buffer? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3599638/how-can-i-wrap-stdwstring-in-boostasiobuffer Archive ar unsigned int version ar _a ar _b #endif client.cpp #include Message.h #include boost archive text_oarchive.hpp..
Why/when is __declspec( dllimport ) not needed? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4489441/why-when-is-declspec-dllimport-not-needed EHsc RTC1 MDd Fo Debug Fd Debug vc80.pdb W3 c Wp64 ZI TP . client.cpp cl.exe OUT U libs Debug Debug client.exe INCREMENTAL LIBPATH..
HTTPS request with Boost.Asio and OpenSSL http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7046370/https-request-with-boost-asio-and-openssl doc libs 1_47_0 doc html boost_asio example ssl client.cpp to get started and modified it as follows This is where I want..