c++ Programming Glossary: clutter
Memory management patterns in C++ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14539624/memory-management-patterns-in-c pointers are cool and what not but they create syntactic clutter and I am not convinced if using malloc for every single object..
Why to avoid std::enable_if in function signatures http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14600201/why-to-avoid-stdenable-if-in-function-signatures disambiguators and nested type accesses even though the clutter of the disambiguator and nested type can be mitigated with alias..
Python/C++ Binding Library comparison http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1492755/python-c-binding-library-comparison be awkward to newcomers but is straightforward and mostly clutter free. Heavy use of C templates can be a good or bad thing Distributed..
What's the most commonly used XML library for C++? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1542084/whats-the-most-commonly-used-xml-library-for-c XML. I know this is a matter of opinion but XML really clutters the information with a lot of tags. Also even though it is.. a lot of tags. Also even though it is human readable the clutter actually hampers readability and I say it from experience since..
Why aren't there compiler-generated swap() methods in C++0x? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2078515/why-arent-there-compiler-generated-swap-methods-in-c0x But in that case there is simply no need for the clutter of a custom swap . Code size does increase two ravlue functions..
Why global and static variables are initialized to their default values? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2091499/why-global-and-static-variables-are-initialized-to-their-default-values cleaner if programs can start from 0 without having to clutter the code with default initializers. One might wonder why the..
Do you prefer explicit namespaces or 'using' in C++? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/214927/do-you-prefer-explicit-namespaces-or-using-in-c explicit namespace unless it is used so much that it would clutter up the code. In headers I never use using namespace to avoid..
Where to define C++ class member template function and functors that instantiate it? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4315969/where-to-define-c-class-member-template-function-and-functors-that-instantiate file is perfectly ok and even a good idea as it keeps the clutter away from the header file . So if the functors are only used..
Handling Huge Multidimensional Arrays in C++ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4464670/handling-huge-multidimensional-arrays-in-c with correct syntax on my machine I just didn't want to clutter the post. typedef struct modelBlock Information about the blocks..
Algorithm for selecting all edges and vertices connected to one vertex http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5056520/algorithm-for-selecting-all-edges-and-vertices-connected-to-one-vertex dependency graphs are pretty tangled so I'd like to remove clutter to make it clearer what might affect the vertex in question...
C++ STL: Which method of iteration over a STL container is better? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/716762/c-stl-which-method-of-iteration-over-a-stl-container-is-better I'm inclined to pick Method 1 which seems to reduce visual clutter and code size. PS I know iterators can do much more than a simple..
New (std::nothrow) vs. New within a try/catch block http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7277637/new-stdnothrow-vs-new-within-a-try-catch-block then the exception method is better because it doesn't clutter your code with random assert s. You just let the exception fall..
Is there any reason to use C instead of C++ for embedded development? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/812717/is-there-any-reason-to-use-c-instead-of-c-for-embedded-development definitions. I ™d like to use namespaces as I prefixes clutter the code. I see C a bit type safer mainly because of templates..
Cross platform programming http://stackoverflow.com/questions/836469/cross-platform-programming of project files etc. for school sample projects adds clutter. It also makes it harder to email your homework to your teacher..
Using C++ in an embedded environment http://stackoverflow.com/questions/880603/using-c-in-an-embedded-environment no type information vtables or redundant functions to clutter things up. I've found that templates are the biggest thing to..