c++ Programming Glossary: cluster
Using Maven for C/C++ projects http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1541771/using-maven-for-c-c-projects Maven for C C projects I'm putting Maven build around cluster of amateur poorly written and frankly primitive C C code meaning..
Getting error using SVM with SURF http://stackoverflow.com/questions/18391673/getting-error-using-svm-with-surf points extractor compute row_img keypoints descriptors_1 uncluster.push_back descriptors_1 descriptors.reshape 1 1 bow.add descriptors_1.. 0 vector string const_iterator k Mat vocabulary bow.cluster dextract.setVocabulary vocabulary for k all_names.begin k all_names.end.. share improve this question I think you are trying to cluster with less features then the number of classes. You can take..
How to implement Matlab's mldivide (a.k.a. the backslash operator “\”) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/18553210/how-to-implement-matlabs-mldivide-a-k-a-the-backslash-operator a distributed computing environment work divided among a cluster of computers where each worker has only part of the array possibly..
How to detect a Christmas Tree? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/20772893/how-to-detect-a-christmas-tree the image segmentation step is performed I used the DBSCAN clustering algorithm from Python's scikit learn it's optimized for finding.. below You can clearly see that each image has one large cluster of pixels roughly corresponding to the location of each tree.. tree plus a few of the images also have some other small clusters corresponding either to lights in the windows of some of the..
cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2172621/cannot-open-shared-object-file-no-such-file-or-directory I met the share library not found on the head node of a cluster with torch. I have built the library as well as specify the..
Distributed Computing in C++? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2258332/distributed-computing-in-c like to use are written in it. c distributed computing cluster computing share improve this question MPI is really cool..
Compling C++ on remote Linux machine - “clock skew detected” warning http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3824500/compling-c-on-remote-linux-machine-clock-skew-detected-warning warning I'm connected to my Universities small Linux cluster via PuTTY and WinSCP transferring files using the latter and..
Why would one replace default new and delete operators? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7149461/why-would-one-replace-default-new-and-delete-operators be a good reason to replace new and delete operators. To cluster related objects near one another If you know that particular.. create a separate heap for the data structures so they are clustered together on as few pages as possible. custom Placement versions.. of new and delete can make it possible to achieve such clustering. To obtain unconventional behavior Sometimes you want operators..
How do you introduce unit testing into a large, legacy (C/C++) codebase? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/748503/how-do-you-introduce-unit-testing-into-a-large-legacy-c-c-codebase While a single function is ideal it might be a tangled cluster of functions or maybe a whole file of functions. It's okay to..