

c++ Programming Glossary: tricky

Algorithm improvement for Coca-Cola can shape recognition


and write a message saying so. So you could end up with tricky things like this which in this case had my algorithm totally..

function passed as template argument


add3 The problem with this is that if it makes it tricky for the compiler to inline the call to add2 since all the compiler..

Is < faster than <=? [closed]


take the same amount of time. This one is a little tricky to answer but here's what I can give In the Intel Instruction..

How to make generic computations over heterogeneous argument packs of a variadic template function?


IMPLEMENTATION Now comes the implementation which is a bit tricky in itself so I will rely on comments to explain the code and..

Template specialization of particular members?


comes to such cases as arrays and pointers overloading can tricky and just forwarding to a class template has been easier for..

How can I call C++ functions from within ruby


1 Ruby is able to load libraries. Even if it is a bit tricky you can decide to write your own loader and bind your C library..

Why can you return from a non-void function without returning a value without producing a compiler error?


return value could be set with embedded assembler or other tricky methods. From n2960 draft § 6.6.3 2 Flowing off the end of a..

Pointer declarations in C++: placement of the asterisk


a pointer to one. The second set of examples is a bit more tricky. In case 4 both test and test2 will be pointers to an int whereas..

Swapping two variable value without using 3rd variable


variable value without using 3rd variable One of the very tricky question asked in an interview... we need to swap the values..

mixing cout and printf for faster output


feedbacks. Summary of the answers if you want to avoid tricky solutions just simply don't use endl with cout since it flushes..

Is a string literal in c++ created in static memory?


the address of the hello string. This allows all sorts of tricky things like string folding so that invalid option 0x1000 and..

std::wstring VS std::string


is supposed to hold a wide character and then things get tricky On Linux a wchar_t is 4 bytes while on Windows it's 2 bytes..

Typedef function pointer?


declaration. The readability may start to be really tricky with pointers to functions arrays and some other even more indirect..

OpenGL - mask with multiple textures


drawQuad foregroundTexture This is fairly tricky so tell me if anything is unclear. Don't forget to request an..

How to implement the factory pattern in C++ correctly


example I know is a 2 D Vector class. So simple yet tricky. I want to be able to construct it both from both Cartesian..

C++: Pointer to class data member


gives you another level of indirection that can solve some tricky problems. But to be honest I've never had to use them in my..

Calculating size of an array


int array is the size of an int array . This is one of the tricky bits in C C the use of arrays and pointers are not always identical...

Check if a class has a member function of a given signature


that don't have that member function... It's a bit more tricky. c templates design c 11 sfinae share improve this question..

What are the differences between struct and class in C++


c faq share improve this question You forget the tricky 2nd difference between classes and structs. Quoth the standard..