

c++ Programming Glossary: trees

how to merge two BST's efficiently?


two BST's efficiently how to merge two binary search trees maintaining the prop of BST...naive way of doing it is take..

Deterministic builds under Windows


for a process and its children so that several process trees will see different C build dirs private to them only all at..

Hashtable in C++?


other object . The stdlib map implementation is based on trees which provides better performance O log n than the standard..

Fast pseudo random number generator for procedural content


content generator like generating a forest by placing trees in a grid and determining a random tree species and random spatial..

Best open XML parser for C++ [closed]


Manual. Small memory footprint of the code and created DOM trees. A headers only implementation simplifying the integration process...

Why does the C++ STL not provide any “tree” containers?


is such that they practically have to be implemented using trees though this is not actually a requirement . See also this question..

Finding C++ interval tree algorithm implementation [duplicate]


tree implementation mostly likely based on red black trees without a viral or restrictive license. Any pointers to a clean..

Why isnt int pow(int base, int exponent) in the standard C++ libraries?


and thousands of collection the standard library hashes btrees red black trees dictionary arbitrary maps and so forth as well.. of collection the standard library hashes btrees red black trees dictionary arbitrary maps and so forth as well but as the rationale..

Memory management in Qt?


order does matter here's the documentation about object trees . If your MyClass is not a child of QObject you ™ll have to use..

At what point is it worth using a database?


to Stack Overflow about serialization or converting trees and lists to use files is a good indication your program has.. coded data. This evolves into using dynamic data with maps trees and lists. Sometimes the data expands from simple two columns..

How do I do high quality scaling of a image?


apart in quality. I've Google Code Searched scoured source trees of anything I thought would shed some light SDL Allegro wxWidgets..

Beyond Stack Sampling: C++ Profilers


I've used the random pause technique. I've examined call trees. I've fired off function traces. But the sad painful fact of..

What is the best way to learn C++ if I have a bit of other programming experience?


such as Big O notation and basics such as binary trees and linked lists sort algorithms has been a challenge. Probably..

Where and why do I have to put the “template” and “typename” keywords?


tree out of it. In C the above can yield different parse trees depending on what t means. If it's a type then it will be parsed..

Does anyone use template metaprogramming in real life? [closed]


nested templates i.e. basically by writing out the parse trees by hand I was able to hand off all the expression analysis to.. templates is more efficient than say writing expression trees using objects and doing the analysis at runtime. It's faster..

Header file inclusion static analysis tools?


analysis tools that would be able to shed light on the trees in such a forest specifically giving us the ability to decide..

writing robust (color and size invariant) circle detection with opencv (based on Hough transform or other features)


There's a whole host of learning algorithms from decision trees to genetic programming you can use for this problem. You could..