

c++ Programming Glossary: trickier

Why not use pointers for everything in C++?


here with a grain of salt. Real world code is a bit trickier but it shows the general idea Of course the same technique can..

Is it possible to read infinity or NaN values using input streams?


parse_on_fail x neg The parsing routine was a little trickier to implement than I first thought it would be but I wanted to..

std::unique_ptr<> as pointer in a node based structure


node while head head std move head next A binary tree is trickier but you can flatten it into a list by iteratively cutting off..

Efficient unsigned-to-signed cast avoiding implementation-defined behavior


casts work this answer handles that fine. C 03 C 98 is trickier. It uses the same wording to inherit climits from Standard C..

Memory management patterns in C++


note please be aware that smart pointers in C are a bit trickier than Java C# references first of all you have two main flavors..

Cygwin in Visual Studio


Visual Studio to use the gcc g compiler. This is a bit trickier. VS supports custom build rules for custom file types... but..

Flattening iterator


using it without further testing. The problem is a bit trickier than it looks because some of the inner containers may be empty..

Why is the derived class's destructor invoked on a const reference to the base class?


use 'obj' here ... GMan's code is doing something a little trickier that turns out to be equivalent to the second case void foo..

Communication between C++ and QML


from several QML pages to C code. Which seems to be trickier than one might expect. Here is a skeleton class to give some..

Heap vs Stack allocation


int items 10 Vector2 v2 new Vector2 This one is a bit trickier but I'm going to reason it out... Classes are blueprints. You..

Should we still be optimizing “in the small”?


for strength reduction. Swapping inner and outer loops is trickier because the compiler has to prove that the changed order of..

Complete example using Boost::Signals for C++ Eventing


using boost bind . It is a bit mind bending at first For a trickier example you could also use bind to hook up ClassA SigA with..

How do I decide whether to use ATL, MFC, Win32 or CLR for a new C++ project?


full garbage collection etc. ATL MFC are somewhat trickier to decide between. I'd refer you to MSDN's page for choosing..

What exactly is the effect of Ctrl-C on C++ Win32 console applications?


at Open Group and MSDN . The second question is a little trickier and may depend on implementation. The best bet is to handle..