

c++ Programming Glossary: trash

undefined reference to template function


command I get undefined reference error vickey@tb ~ work trash template g main.cpp util.cpp lQtGui lQtCore I. I usr local Trolltech..

Why aren't pointers initialized with NULL by default?


like to know why in what case do we need a variable with trash on specially pointers addressing to trash on the memory c memory.. a variable with trash on specially pointers addressing to trash on the memory c memory pointers initialization share improve..

Why is a C++ bool var true by default?


not initialized at all. The value you see is simply some trash values in the memory that have been used for allocation. If..

What are app domains used for?


anything that might need to be unloaded. You can then trash and rebuild the whole AppDomain when necessary. By the way native..

Restart Mac OS X ungracefully using a C++ call?


reboot RB_AUTOBOOT might do what you want. Or it might trash your hard drive. Be very careful when trying to work against..

AJAX response not valid in C++ but Apache


jQuery is not needed. The main.cpp there is lot of trash code like main3 and main4 functions these do not affect the..

Moving files to Trash Can in Linux using C++


universal approach. The best I could find so far is send2trash but that's using Python QT4 and not C QT4 trash cli this has.. is send2trash but that's using Python QT4 and not C QT4 trash cli this has the drawback of being a stand alone command line.. would be greatly appreciated. c linux recycle bin recycle trash share improve this question The answer is in http www.freedesktop.org..

A C++ implementation that detects undefined behavior?


thinking about valgrind can have false negatives if you trash memory that you still have allocated for example and checked..

Mixing ifstream getline and >>


a float value getline ceases to work correctly and reads trash. How can I avoid this string settingsFile TerrainSettings.txt.. fine here getline settingsStream line here it gets trash why settingsStream octaves trash getline settingsStream line.. line here it gets trash why settingsStream octaves trash getline settingsStream line settingsStream amplitude Edit An..