

c++ Programming Glossary: triangle

pascal's Triangle implementation


implementation I am trying to make a program for pascal's triangle the formaula to calculate the rth value in nth row is n r n.. int Factorial int int main int n 0 Number of rows in the triangle for int i 12 i 0 i std cout std setw i std endl for int j..

Edges on polygon outlines not always correct


w Vector2f p2 nxt b_perp w Vector2f p3 nxt b_perp w first triangle glVertex2fv p0.data glVertex2fv p1.data glVertex2fv p2.data.. p0.data glVertex2fv p1.data glVertex2fv p2.data second triangle glVertex2fv p2.data glVertex2fv p1.data glVertex2fv p3.data..

Project Euler Problem 12 - C++


12 C I'm working on problem 12 regarding the first triangle number with 500 divisors. I tried to brute force the solution... int divisorTarget unsigned long long triangleNum 1 unsigned long long currentNum 2 int numOfDivisors 0 numOfDivisors.. 2 int numOfDivisors 0 numOfDivisors NumOfDivisors triangleNum while numOfDivisors divisorTarget triangleNum currentNum..

Mapping elements in 2D upper triangle and lower triangle to linear structure


elements in 2D upper triangle and lower triangle to linear structure I have a matrix M which.. elements in 2D upper triangle and lower triangle to linear structure I have a matrix M which is of NxN dimensions..

Calculating normals in a triangle mesh


normals in a triangle mesh I have drawn a triangle mesh with 10000 vertices 100x100.. normals in a triangle mesh I have drawn a triangle mesh with 10000 vertices 100x100 and it will be a grass ground... this. Does each vertex have its own normals or does each triangle have its own normals Can someone point me in the right direction..

Is volatile bool for thread control considered wrong?


C++ triangle rasterization


triangle rasterization I'm trying to fix this triangle rasterizer but.. triangle rasterization I'm trying to fix this triangle rasterizer but cannot make it work correctly. For some reason.. work correctly. For some reason it only draws half of the triangles. void DrawTriangle Point2D p0 Point2D p1 Point2D p2 Point2D..

Area of rectangle-rectangle intersection


corner is coincident to to an edge or vertex of the other triangle What if there are no intersections one rectangle is inside the..

Converting data from glReadPixels() to OpenCV::Mat


done by adjusting the projection matrix but keep an eye on triangle orientation in this case . To flip a cv Mat vertically you can..

pascal's Triangle implementation


Triangle implementation I am trying to make a program for pascal's triangle.. is more subtle Recursion The whole point of Pascal's Triangle is that it gives a way of computing binomial coefficients without.. be stored in any machine integer type. Check out Pascal's Triangle on Wikipedia . The whole point is the recursive relation Pascal..

How does the C++ compiler know which implementation of a virtual function to call?


Polygon public int area void return width height class Triangle public Polygon public int area void return width height 2 int.. area void return width height 2 int main Rectangle rect Triangle trgl Polygon ppoly1 rect Polygon ppoly2 trgl ppoly1 set_values.. know that ppoly1 is a Rectangle and that ppoly2 is a Triangle so that it can call the correct area function It could find..

Calling methods on class pointers [duplicate]


b int area cout Parent class area endl return 0 Class Triangle class Triangle public Shape public Triangle int a 0 int b 0.. cout Parent class area endl return 0 Class Triangle class Triangle public Shape public Triangle int a 0 int b 0 Shape a b int.. 0 Class Triangle class Triangle public Shape public Triangle int a 0 int b 0 Shape a b int area cout Triangle class area..

Tutorial for Iphone OpenCV on shape recognising


specific color or gray level with openCV Detect Corners of Triangle in Image on iPhone OpenCV Object Detection Center Point How..

When to mark a function in C++ as a virtual?


on the object's static type. So the code Polygon p new Triangle p area provided that area is a non virtual function in Parent..

If I want to specialise just one method in a template, how do I do it?


actual code here not empty Need to specialise this in the Triangle class case.. something like template struct Node Triangle specialise.. Triangle class case.. something like template struct Node Triangle specialise the split method void split but I don't want to rewrite..