

c++ Programming Glossary: findwindow

Ruby win32 api interface


for test purposes # Be careful to use the ascii version FindWindow Win32API.new 'user32' 'FindWindowA' 'P' 'P' 'L' def self.findWindow.. to use the ascii version FindWindow Win32API.new 'user32' 'FindWindowA' 'P' 'P' 'L' def self.findWindow lpClassName lpWindowName h.. 'P' 'P' 'L' def self.findWindow lpClassName lpWindowName h FindWindow.call lpClassName lpWindowName raise FindWindow failed if h 0..

Closing the Windows 8 Charm Bar


user32.dll SetLastError true static extern IntPtr FindWindow string lpClassName string lpWindowName DllImport user32.dll.. string lpWindowName DllImport user32.dll EntryPoint FindWindow SetLastError true static extern IntPtr FindWindowByCaption IntPtr.. FindWindow SetLastError true static extern IntPtr FindWindowByCaption IntPtr ZeroOnly string lpWindowName DllImport user32.dll..

How to send keystrokes to a window?


the edit buffer which it sounds like you want HWND notepad FindWindow _T Notepad NULL HWND edit FindWindowEx notepad NULL _T Edit.. you want HWND notepad FindWindow _T Notepad NULL HWND edit FindWindowEx notepad NULL _T Edit NULL SendMessage edit WM_SETTEXT NULL..

getting window screenshot windows API


Get the window handle of calculator application. HWND hWnd FindWindow 0 _T Calculator Take screenshot. PrintWindow hWnd dc.GetSafeHdc..

Reading from a text field in another application's window


ways that you can use to get this handle. You might use FindWindow FindWindowEx to locate your control or use WindowFromPoint if.. you can use to get this handle. You might use FindWindow FindWindowEx to locate your control or use WindowFromPoint if that makes..

BringWindowToTop is Not working even if I get the handle to Class Window


1 wndcls.lpszMenuName NULL Class name for using FindWindow later wndcls.lpszClassName _T CNDSClientDlg Register new class.. pWndPrev NULL CWnd FirstChildhWnd NULL pWndPrev CWnd FindWindow _T CNDSClientDlg NULL if pWndPrev NULL pWndPrev BringWindowToTop..

c++ hooking to a different application, how to find thread id from process id?


see how to get a list of threads in c . HWND windowHandle FindWindow NULL _T SomeOtherApp DWORD processId GetWindowThreadProcessId.. the process ID variable. Instead write HWND windowHandle FindWindow NULL _T SomeOtherApp DWORD threadId GetWindowThreadProcessId..

How to get screenshot of a window as bitmap object in C++?


Get the window handle of calculator application. HWND hWnd FindWindow 0 _T Calculator Take screenshot. PrintWindow hWnd dc.GetSafeHdc.. 0x0501 xp #include windows.h int main RECT rc HWND hwnd FindWindow TEXT Notepad NULL the window can't be min if hwnd NULL cout..

How to get Excel cell value in C++


main int argc CHAR argv CoInitialize NULL HWND excelWindow FindWindow L XLMAIN NULL EnumChildWindows excelWindow WNDENUMPROC EnumChildProc.. main int argc CHAR argv CoInitialize NULL HWND excelWindow FindWindow L XLMAIN NULL EnumChildWindows excelWindow WNDENUMPROC EnumChildProc..

How can I get a process handle by its name in C++?


it. How can I do this Notice it doesn't have a window so FindWindow won't work. c winapi processes share improve this question..

Using SendMessage to enter text into an edit control belonging to another process


but running in window mode. I'm doing this HWND hWnd FindWindow NULL Game HWND edit FindWindowEx hWnd NULL Edit NULL SendMessage.. I'm doing this HWND hWnd FindWindow NULL Game HWND edit FindWindowEx hWnd NULL Edit NULL SendMessage edit WM_CHAR TCHAR 'H' 0 SendMessage.. caption so the following code will never work HWND edit FindWindowEx hWnd NULL Edit NULL and by the way always make sure that FindWindowEx..