c++ Programming Glossary: find_first_of
C++ linking problems, seems like I cant link against standard C++ stuff http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12849517/c-linking-problems-seems-like-i-cant-link-against-standard-c-stuff const in libtesseract.a word_size_model.o std string find_first_of std string const unsigned long const referenced from tesseract..
Removing leading and trailing spaces from a string http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1798112/removing-leading-and-trailing-spaces-from-a-string in two steps. Remove leading and trailing spaces. Use find_first_of find_last_of find_first_not_of find_last_not_of and substr repeatedly.. str whitespace replace sub ranges auto beginSpace result.find_first_of whitespace while beginSpace std string npos const auto endSpace.. auto newStart beginSpace fill.length beginSpace result.find_first_of whitespace newStart return result int main void const std string..
Reading formatted data with C++'s stream operator >> when data has spaces http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2338827/reading-formatted-data-with-cs-stream-operator-when-data-has-spaces line but then I still have to split it up manually with find_first_of don't I Is there an easy way to parse data in this format using..
Selective iterator http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3046747/selective-iterator this some word or other I can do that with two loops and find_first_of and but this seems very inefficient to me. I thought that maybe..
How do you reconcile common C++ naming conventions with those of the libraries http://stackoverflow.com/questions/350419/how-do-you-reconcile-common-c-naming-conventions-with-those-of-the-libraries and names_joined_with_an_underscore for methods and fields find_first_of lower_bound reverse_iterator first_type . Further complicating..
Most efficient way to escape XML/HTML in C++ string? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5665231/most-efficient-way-to-escape-xml-html-in-c-string std string data std string size_type pos 0 for pos data find_first_of pos if pos std string npos break std string replacement switch..
Is std::string part of the STL? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5972546/is-stdstring-part-of-the-stl contained data mostly through member functions like substr find_first_of etc. while true container don't do that and let the algorithms..
How do I allocate a std::string on the stack using glibc's string implementation? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/783944/how-do-i-allocate-a-stdstring-on-the-stack-using-glibcs-string-implementation on your stackstring that you use now on std string like find_first_of append etc. begin and end will still work fine so you'll be..