

c++ Programming Glossary: binaryfiles

Difference in using read/write when stream is opened with/without ios::binary mode


and when not to use it when doing file IO c io filestream binaryfiles share improve this question The only difference between..

How to identify the file content as ASCII or binary


file content as being in ASCII or binary using C c ascii binaryfiles file format share improve this question If a file contains..

Convert big endian to little endian when reading from a binary file [duplicate]


4 src 3 dst 5 src 2 dst 6 src 1 dst 7 src 0 return a c binaryfiles little endian big endian share improve this question Assuming..

Reading binary istream byte by byte


by byte from a binary istream MSVC 2008 on Windows. c binaryfiles istream share improve this question The extractors are for..

How to delete parts from a binary file in C++


if it runs for a few seconds. c search search and replace binaryfiles ifstream share improve this question There are a number..

How to look for an ANSI string in a binary file?


need for copying it into a string c string search lookup binaryfiles share improve this question Do I need to copy the whole..

Serializing a class which contains a std::string


Reading of course is just the reverse. c serialization binaryfiles share improve this question I'm serializing by casting the..