c++ Programming Glossary: bidirectional
Enumerate over an enum in C++ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1390703/enumerate-over-an-enum-in-c typedef Color pointer typedef Color reference typedef std bidirectional_iterator_tag iterator_category Color operator Color c assert.. Color_Begin Color_End print Now Color is a constant bidirectional iterator. Here is a reusable class i coded while doing it manually.. typename Enum struct enum_iterator std iterator std bidirectional_iterator_tag Enum enum_iterator c end enum_iterator Enum c..
Why does removing the _first_ element of a list invalidate `.rend()`? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14760134/why-does-removing-the-first-element-of-a-list-invalidate-rend
STL like container with O(1) performance http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1601060/stl-like-container-with-o1-performance this. Did anyone know use see an STL like container with bidirectional access iterator that has O 1 complexity for Insert Erase Lookup..
Easiest way to make a cyclic iterator? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1782019/easiest-way-to-make-a-cyclic-iterator you reach the end iterator. A cyclical iterator can be bidirectional if you implement decrement in a similar fashion. If IteratorBase..
Sort list using stl sort function http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2432857/sort-list-using-stl-sort-function which std list iterator s are not list iterators are bidirectional iterators . You should use the std list sort member function...
Flattening iterator http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3623082/flattening-iterator to stop. This implementation is a forward iterator. A bidirectional iterator would also need to keep track of the beginning of the..
How to create a boost ssl iostream? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3668128/how-to-create-a-boost-ssl-iostream public boost iostreams device boost iostreams bidirectional public ssl_iostream_device ssl_stream _stream bool _use_ssl..
Finding value in unordered_map http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4395050/finding-value-in-unordered-map improve this question Boost has the Bimap which is a bidirectional map ie keys and values both refer to each other . This sounds..
How to plot graphs in Gnuplot in Real time in C++? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4445720/how-to-plot-graphs-in-gnuplot-in-real-time-in-c as the quick way to get a unidirectional connection. For bidirectional it works more like on Windows pipe to get handles to the ends..
Defining iterator of my own container http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4857892/defining-iterator-of-my-own-container and defined. All iterator types support this. For bidirectional iterators or higher you should also have defined prefix and..
When do you prefer using std::list<T> instead of std::vector<T>? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5056973/when-do-you-prefer-using-stdlistt-instead-of-stdvectort 23.3.4 lists A list is a sequence container that supports bidirectional iterators and allows constant time insert and erase operations..
Checking value exist in a std::map - C++ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/535317/checking-value-exist-in-a-stdmap-c this question You can use boost multi_index to create a bidirectional map you can use either value of the pair as a key to do a quick..
Can I force cache coherency on a multicore x86 CPU? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/558848/can-i-force-cache-coherency-on-a-multicore-x86-cpu between threads two pipes per thread obviously for bidirectional communication . Everything worked fine on my Athlon 64 X2 but..
Why copying stringstream is not allowed? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6010864/why-copying-stringstream-is-not-allowed . That is called unidirectional stream. There're also bidirectional streams through which data flows in both direction. So what..
Why is “!=” used with iterators? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6673762/why-is-used-with-iterators comparable. Input iterators forward iterators and bidirectional iterators are not relationally comparable. Thus the comparison..