

c++ Programming Glossary: bets

Casting between primitive type pointers


original char seems preposterous. In the second part all bets are off you definitely can't dereference the pointer unless..

convert astronomically large numbers into human readable form in C/C++


problem If you are on Windows DOS iSeries Android ... all bets are off but maybe you can install a POSIX layer to your system..

Why is 10000000000000000 != 10000000000000000?


of about 7 digits so beyond the first 6 7 digits all bets are off. That's why the math doesn't work out and printing looks.. of about 7 digits so beyond the first 6 7 digits all bets are off. That's why the math doesn't work out and printing looks..

Loading a dll from a dll?


DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH and you're making an outbound call all bets are off . There is no guarantee that DllMain of that binary..

when do we need to pass the size of array as a parameter


you pass it something that doesn't have a 0 at the end all bets are off and you are in the undefined behavior territory. The..

Virtual destructor and undefined behavior


and this assumption is incorrect. As per the Standard all bets are off once you are crossed over in Undefined Behavior land...

C++ constructor: garbage while initialization of const reference
