c++ Programming Glossary: bets
Casting between primitive type pointers http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14773127/casting-between-primitive-type-pointers original char seems preposterous. In the second part all bets are off you definitely can't dereference the pointer unless..
convert astronomically large numbers into human readable form in C/C++ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1499156/convert-astronomically-large-numbers-into-human-readable-form-in-c-c problem If you are on Windows DOS iSeries Android ... all bets are off but maybe you can install a POSIX layer to your system..
Why is 10000000000000000 != 10000000000000000? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/18877902/why-is-10000000000000000-10000000000000000 of about 7 digits so beyond the first 6 7 digits all bets are off. That's why the math doesn't work out and printing looks.. of about 7 digits so beyond the first 6 7 digits all bets are off. That's why the math doesn't work out and printing looks..
Loading a dll from a dll? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2674736/loading-a-dll-from-a-dll DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH and you're making an outbound call all bets are off . There is no guarantee that DllMain of that binary..
when do we need to pass the size of array as a parameter http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6638729/when-do-we-need-to-pass-the-size-of-array-as-a-parameter you pass it something that doesn't have a 0 at the end all bets are off and you are in the undefined behavior territory. The..
Virtual destructor and undefined behavior http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8599225/virtual-destructor-and-undefined-behavior and this assumption is incorrect. As per the Standard all bets are off once you are crossed over in Undefined Behavior land...
C++ constructor: garbage while initialization of const reference http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9138987/c-constructor-garbage-while-initialization-of-const-reference