c++ Programming Glossary: bias
Why do people say there is modulo bias when using a random number generator? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10984974/why-do-people-say-there-is-modulo-bias-when-using-a-random-number-generator do people say there is modulo bias when using a random number generator I have seen this question.. help people understand why exactly there is modulo bias when using a random number generator like rand in C . c random.. but for a larger range this could skew the distribution biasing the smaller numbers. So when does rand n return a range of..
What is the optimal algorithm for generating an unbiased random integer within a range? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11758809/what-is-the-optimal-algorithm-for-generating-an-unbiased-random-integer-within-a is the optimal algorithm for generating an unbiased random integer within a range In this StackOverflow question.. int max min 1 But it also says that This is still slightly biased towards lower numbers ... It's also possible to extend it.. ... It's also possible to extend it so that it removes the bias. But it doesn't explain why it's biased towards lower numbers..
FindChessboardCorners cannot detect chessboard on very large images by long focal length lens http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15018620/findchessboardcorners-cannot-detect-chessboard-on-very-large-images-by-long-foca helps. However it goes against accuracy because it will bias the subpixel positions of the corners. To convince yourself..
biggest integer that can be stored in a double http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1848700/biggest-integer-that-can-be-stored-in-a-double small power of 2. Or another way of looking at it once the bias has been taken off the exponent and ignoring the sign bit as..
how to bias a random number generator http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1858364/how-to-bias-a-random-number-generator to bias a random number generator i am using the random number generator.. random number generator provided with stl c . how do we bias it so that it produces smaller random numbers with a greater..
How to generate a LONG guid? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2867758/how-to-generate-a-long-guid buf new string chars EDIT I know there is some biasing because allowedCharCount is not evenly divisible by 255 you.. is not evenly divisible by 255 you can get rid of the bias throwing away and getting a new random number if it lands in.. to be unique UPDATE 2 Algorithm is now slower but removed biasing. EDIT I just ran a test I wanted to let you know that ToBase64String..
Portability of binary serialization of double/float type in C++ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4733147/portability-of-binary-serialization-of-double-float-type-in-c data significand fnorm 1LL significandbits 0.5f get the biased exponent exp shift 1 expbits 1 1 shift bias return the final.. 0.5f get the biased exponent exp shift 1 expbits 1 1 shift bias return the final answer return sign bits 1 exp bits expbits..
Again - parallax mapping issue in OpenGL, GLSL. It's not as usual as it seem to be http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4750707/again-parallax-mapping-issue-in-opengl-glsl-its-not-as-usual-as-it-seem-to sampler2D heightMap uniform float scale uniform float bias void main vec3 v normalize viewDir vec2 TexCoord gl_TexCoord.. heightMap gl_TexCoord 0 .st .r height height scale bias TexCoord gl_TexCoord 0 .st height v.xy vec3 l lightDir float..
Is the value of RAND_MAX always (2^n)-1? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4945698/is-the-value-of-rand-max-always-2n-1 all numbers. For example taking rand upperbound gives a bias towards smaller values especially when the upperbound is large..
Generating random integer from a range http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5008804/generating-random-integer-from-a-range tried output min rand int max min 1 This is still slightly biased towards lower numbers but much less so than your original..
Best practices for writing a programming language parser http://stackoverflow.com/questions/570144/best-practices-for-writing-a-programming-language-parser them are speciously appealing and that there is a general bias for them as it is a way of signaling that one is more computer..
Optimizations for pow() with const non-integer exponent? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6475373/optimizations-for-pow-with-const-non-integer-exponent though. The exponent field in IEEE 754 is signed with a bias value of 127 representing an exponent of zero. This bias must.. a bias value of 127 representing an exponent of zero. This bias must be removed before you multiply the logarithm and re added.. and re added before you exponentiate. Furthermore bias adjustment by subtraction won't work on zero. Fortunately both..