

c# Programming Glossary: revisions

How can I undelete a file using C#?


read. And even then you may be out of luck if enough revisions have been made or it's not a trivial filesystem like FAT . ..

Make a BackgroundWorker do several operations sequentially without freezing the form


branchToMerge branchToMerge.Substring 1 révision s string revisions foreach string r in textBoxRevision.Text.Split ' ' int rev.. ' ' int rev if int.TryParse r out rev revisions string.Format r 0 1 rev 1 rev else revisions r r.Replace .. r out rev revisions string.Format r 0 1 rev 1 rev else revisions r r.Replace pourcentage de complétion pour chaque étape int..

Securely Storing Optional Entropy While Using DPAPI


data needs to be something that doesn't change with revisions of your application . One trick when deriving a hash though..

Serializing anonymous delegates in C#


structure is not guaranteed to remain constant between revisions to the .NET Framework. I'm fairly certain this is the case based..

How do I use dataReceived event of the SerialPort Port Object in C#?


b.ToString Console.WriteLine Also note the revisions to the data received event handler it should actually print..

Can you help me understand in a practical example the usage abstract classes vs interfaces?


out If you want to see my answer have a look at the edit revisions First off we define the interface public interface IAnimal string..