

c# Programming Glossary: revealed

400 Bad Request Exception: Simple SOAP WCF service with small data


Ran the service using WcfTestClient . Gave an error that revealed the project name and the namespace that we use should be same..

Why does modifying project output directories cause: IOException was unhandled “Cannot locate resource 'app.xaml'.”


Setting the MSBuild output verbosity to Diagnostic quickly revealed the source of the problem 1 TaskId 21 1 Microsoft R Build Task..

Is there any valid reason to ever ignore a caught exception


and while going through my code review my analysis tool revealed bunches of what it considered bad stuff. One of the more discouraging..

Variable declarations following if statements


came up on another forum and I knew how to fix it but it revealed a feature of the compiler peculiar to me. The person was getting..

Optimal High-Density Binary Space Partition for Grids


around on a randomly generated map in real time as it's revealed. This leads me an interesting data structures problem. The map..

How to take a screenshot of a Full Size window in C#


including the area that is not displayed and is only revealed by using scroll bars. public class ScreenShot summary Captures..

What's the best way to ensure a base class's static constructor is called?


been called. Testing and examining the documentation have revealed that this is not the case it seems that the static constructor..

.Net vs Java Garbage Collector


the Java and .Net garbage collectors A web search has not revealed much and it was a question that came up in a test. c# java..

The art of programming: Java vs C# [closed]


a list of a million ints vs a million Integer objects have revealed a factor of 3 improvement Delegates Events LINQ Extension methods..

foreach + break vs linq FirstOrDefault performance difference


in Gist as well and wasn't updated after results revealed this is not the best way of doing it return this.items.FirstOrDefault..