c# Programming Glossary: revert
String sorting performance degradation in VS2010 vs. VS2008 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12156627/string-sorting-performance-degradation-in-vs2010-vs-vs2008 to get rid of the slower execution time unless you want to revert to the .NET 3.5 framework. Extra notes When you don't pass a..
Can I turn off impersonation just in a couple instances http://stackoverflow.com/questions/125096/can-i-turn-off-impersonation-just-in-a-couple-instances the proper rights that you need. Then when you want to revert to the application pool identity... run the following private..
Parsing formatted string http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1410012/parsing-formatted-string res string.Format format arr What I am trying to do is to revert back the formatted string back into the array of object string..
Why does one use dependency injection? [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14301389/why-does-one-use-dependency-injection an implementation for a specific interface you once again revert control over who instantiates what. With dependency injection..
ViewPager Focus Issue http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15161261/viewpager-focus-issue which causes the softkeyboard to popup focus will revert back to EditText2 the cursor is in EditText2 and any typing.. entered into it . I need to know what is causing focus to revert back to EditText2. I'm speculating that the call to viewPager.SetContentView..
Fix embedded resources for a generic UserControl http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1627431/fix-embedded-resources-for-a-generic-usercontrol the designer and make use of version control tools to revert any unwanted changes but the solution is not ideal. share improve..
How to embed multilanguage *.resx (or *.resources) files in single EXE? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1793256/how-to-embed-multilanguage-resx-or-resources-files-in-single-exe PIAE.LangResources. lang resource not found revert to default resource if null stream stream Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly.. str return en.Value.ToString string not translated revert to default resource return LangResources.ResourceManager.GetString..
Should I use uint in C# for values that can't be negative? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2013116/should-i-use-uint-in-c-sharp-for-values-that-cant-be-negative Requires a cast too. So I wondered whether I should just revert to int here. I'm certainly not using the entire range anyway...
OnclientClick and OnClick is not working at the same time? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2155048/onclientclick-and-onclick-is-not-working-at-the-same-time When the postback completes the newly rendered page will revert the button back its initial state without any additional work...
List<T> vs BindingList<T> Advantages/DisAdvantages http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2243950/listt-vs-bindinglistt-advantages-disadvantages implemented IEditableObject so when CancelEdit is called I revert my object back to what it was with a Memberwise.Clone Will changing..
How to apply Windows group policy using .NET? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2266797/how-to-apply-windows-group-policy-using-net I'd like my app to set the policy when it starts and revert the change when it exits... is this something I can do through..
Error in WCF client consuming Axis 2 web service with WS-Security UsernameToken PasswordDigest authentication scheme http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3102693/error-in-wcf-client-consuming-axis-2-web-service-with-ws-security-usernametoken WSE 3.0 might make it easier but I would prefer not to revert to an obsolete technology. Similar issues unsolved include this..
How do you give a C# Auto-Property a default value? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/40730/how-do-you-give-a-c-sharp-auto-property-a-default-value Property a default value I either use the constructor or revert to the old syntax. Using the Constructor class Person public..
Validation: How to inject A Model State wrapper with Ninject? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4776396/validation-how-to-inject-a-model-state-wrapper-with-ninject dynamically from a given assembly. 2. We can revert to a default implementation when no registration exists. Such..
Entity Framework 4.1 DbSet Reload http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5799737/entity-framework-4-1-dbset-reload on DbEntityEntry context.Entry entity .Reload You can also revert back to ObjectContext and use ObjectQuery with MergeOption.OverrideChanges..
Entity Framework Stored Procedure Table Value Parameter http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8157345/entity-framework-stored-procedure-table-value-parameter Incorrect syntax near '0'. I can get the query to run if I revert back to ADO.NET and and execute a data reader but I was hoping..