c# Programming Glossary: xxxxx
Error Deserializing Xml to Object - xmlns='' was not expected http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4884383/error-deserializing-xml-to-object-xmlns-was-not-expected to deserialize register account success false user name xxxxx user name password fghgh password email test@example.com email..
System crashing when the print button is clicked http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6953471/system-crashing-when-the-print-button-is-clicked sender EventArgs e private const string PAYMENT_PATH @ c xxxxx xxxxx paymentType_ 0 btnPrint.Visible true btnPrint.Enabled.. EventArgs e private const string PAYMENT_PATH @ c xxxxx xxxxx paymentType_ 0 btnPrint.Visible true btnPrint.Enabled true string.. string.Format 0 _paymethod _document.Info.Author xxxxxxx DefineStyles CreatePage FillContent return _document private..
What's the most efficient way to determine whether an untrimmed string is empty in C#? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/810442/whats-the-most-efficient-way-to-determine-whether-an-untrimmed-string-is-empty question Edit New tests Test orders x. Test name Ticks xxxxx Empty String Ticks xxxxx two space Ticks xxxxx single letter.. Test orders x. Test name Ticks xxxxx Empty String Ticks xxxxx two space Ticks xxxxx single letter Ticks xxxxx single letter.. name Ticks xxxxx Empty String Ticks xxxxx two space Ticks xxxxx single letter Ticks xxxxx single letter with space Ticks xxxxx..