c# Programming Glossary: xx
How do I use LINQ Contains(string[]) instead of Contains(string) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/194930/how-do-i-use-linq-containsstring-instead-of-containsstring I got a linq query to put it simply looks like this from xx in table where xx.uid.ToString .Contains string select xx The.. to put it simply looks like this from xx in table where xx.uid.ToString .Contains string select xx The values of the string.. xx in table where xx.uid.ToString .Contains string select xx The values of the string array would be numbers like 1 45 20..
How do I split a string by strings and include the delimiters using .NET? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2484919/how-do-i-split-a-string-by-strings-and-include-the-delimiters-using-net why I'm asking. I'd like to split a random string e.g. 123xx456yy789 by a list of string delimiters e.g. xx yy and include.. e.g. 123xx456yy789 by a list of string delimiters e.g. xx yy and include the delimiters in the result here 123 xx 456.. xx yy and include the delimiters in the result here 123 xx 456 yy 789 . Good performance is a nice bonus. Regex should..
How to detect the character encoding of a text file? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4520184/how-to-detect-the-character-encoding-of-a-text-file and thus UTF 32 units always have the pattern 00 0x 10 xx xx for BE or xx xx 0x 10 00 for LE . If the data has a length.. and thus UTF 32 units always have the pattern 00 0x 10 xx xx for BE or xx xx 0x 10 00 for LE . If the data has a length that's.. 32 units always have the pattern 00 0x 10 xx xx for BE or xx xx 0x 10 00 for LE . If the data has a length that's a multiple..
How to Count Duplicates in List with LINQ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/454601/how-to-count-duplicates-in-list-with-linq getItems.Count i inventory.Add getItems i var items from xx in inventory group xx by xx into g let count g.Count orderby.. getItems i var items from xx in inventory group xx by xx into g let count g.Count orderby count descending select.. getItems i var items from xx in inventory group xx by xx into g let count g.Count orderby count descending select..
URL Encoding using C# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/575440/url-encoding-using-c-sharp what I want to do old username mas fenix new username mas xxfenix Where xx is the ASCII value or any other value that would.. do old username mas fenix new username mas xxfenix Where xx is the ASCII value or any other value that would easily identify..
How to execute an .SQL script file using c# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/650098/how-to-execute-an-sql-script-file-using-c-sharp sqlplus p.StartInfo.Arguments string.Format xx xx@ 0 @ 1 in_database s p.StartInfo.CreateNoWindow true bool.. sqlplus p.StartInfo.Arguments string.Format xx xx@ 0 @ 1 in_database s p.StartInfo.CreateNoWindow true bool started..
Quickest way to convert a base 10 number to any base in .NET? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/923771/quickest-way-to-convert-a-base-10-number-to-any-base-in-net '9' 'A' 'B' 'C' 'D' 'E' 'F' convert to sexagesimal string xx IntToString 42 new char '0' '1' '2' '3' '4' '5' '6' '7' '8'..
Why can TimeSpan and Guid Structs be compared to null? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1225949/why-can-timespan-and-guid-structs-be-compared-to-null implment the same Interfaces did not seem to help struct XX IComparable IComparable XX IEquatable XX public int CompareTo.. did not seem to help struct XX IComparable IComparable XX IEquatable XX public int CompareTo Object obj return 0 public.. to help struct XX IComparable IComparable XX IEquatable XX public int CompareTo Object obj return 0 public int CompareTo..
.NET HTTP POST Method - Cookies issue http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2151576/net-http-post-method-cookies-issue string response byte buffer Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes user XX pass XX CookieContainer cookies new CookieContainer HttpWebRequest.. response byte buffer Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes user XX pass XX CookieContainer cookies new CookieContainer HttpWebRequest WebReq.. login.php WebReq.Credentials new NetworkCredential XX XX WebReq.PreAuthenticate true WebReq.Pipelined true WebReq.CookieContainer..
Suppressing “is never used” and “is never assigned to” warnings in C# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3820985/suppressing-is-never-used-and-is-never-assigned-to-warnings-in-c-sharp never assigned to and will always have its default value XX you do this #pragma warning disable 0649 ... field declaration..
Programming Contest Question: Counting Polyominos http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4650762/programming-contest-question-counting-polyominos stones. So for two stones n 2 there is only one polyominos XX You might think this is a second solution X X But it isn't... rotate them. So for 4 stones n 4 there are 7 solutions X X XX X X X X X X XX X XX XX XX X X X XX X X XX The application has.. for 4 stones n 4 there are 7 solutions X X XX X X X X X X XX X XX XX XX X X X XX X X XX The application has to be able to..
.Net vs Java Garbage Collector http://stackoverflow.com/questions/492703/net-vs-java-garbage-collector it between different modes. Many options are of the X or XX to indicate their lack of support across different versions..