c# Programming Glossary: virtualized
How to retrieve the total height for DataGrid's content in WPF? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11156592/how-to-retrieve-the-total-height-for-datagrids-content-in-wpf to. So to get the actual content height of items in a virtualized ScrollViewer I think you're going to have to get the ActualHeight..
Get ListView Visible items http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11187382/get-listview-visible-items a ListView which might contains a lot of items so it is virtualized and recycling items. It does not use sort. I need to refresh..
How to set background of a datagrid cell during autogeneratingcolumn event depending on it's value? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/16645688/how-to-set-background-of-a-datagrid-cell-during-autogeneratingcolumn-event-depen index as DataGridRow if row null may be virtualized bring into view and try again grid.ScrollIntoView grid.Items.. return null try to get the cell but it may possibly be virtualized var cell DataGridCell presenter.ItemContainerGenerator.ContainerFromIndex..
64 bits stuff for C# development http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1889941/64-bits-stuff-for-c-sharp-development program. Specifically the HKCR and HKLM Software hives are virtualized. In Regedit.exe the 32 bit visible keys are seen under the Wow6432Node.. for 32 bit servers. Folders in the file system are virtualized specifically c windows system32 and c program files. A 32 bit..
Get row in datagrid http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8464704/get-row-in-datagrid index if row null May be virtualized bring into view and try again. grid.UpdateLayout grid.ScrollIntoView..