c# Programming Glossary: visitor
OpenID: Trying to Get Email Address from Google OP http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1301200/openid-trying-to-get-email-address-from-google-op request.AddExtension fetch Send your visitor to their Provider for authentication. request.RedirectToProvider..
Objects that represent trees http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1806511/objects-that-represent-trees public virtual void breadthFirstTraversal IVisitor T visitor public virtual void DepthFirstTraversal OrderedVisitor T orderedVisitor..
Mutating the expression tree of a predicate to target another type http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2797261/mutating-the-expression-tree-of-a-predicate-to-target-another-type included out of the box. Armed with this I implemented a visitor. This simple visitor only takes care of changing the types in.. box. Armed with this I implemented a visitor. This simple visitor only takes care of changing the types in member access and parameter.. Expression.Parameter activeRecordType node.Name With this visitor GetMany becomes IEnumerable DataContract.Widget GetMany Expression..
C# (.NET) Design Flaws [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/411906/c-sharp-net-design-flaws matching on it basically first class support for the visitor pattern but far more efficient so just take enums extend them..
Double dispatch in C#? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/42587/double-dispatch-in-c dispatch share improve this question Example The visitor pattern is a way of doing double dispatch in an object oriented..
What task is best done in a functional programming style? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/694651/what-task-is-best-done-in-a-functional-programming-style class Expr public abstract t Accept t IExprVisitor t visitor public abstract class UnaryOp Expr public Expr First get private.. TrueExpr Expr public override t Accept t IExprVisitor t visitor return visitor.Visit this public class And BinExpr public.. public override t Accept t IExprVisitor t visitor return visitor.Visit this public class And BinExpr public And Expr first..
Using Case/Switch and GetType to determine the object [duplicate] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/708911/using-case-switch-and-gettype-to-determine-the-object it at all costs IDictionary Type int will do much better visitor might be an overkill but otherwise it is still a perfectly fine..
Best way to switch behavior based on type [duplicate] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10115028/best-way-to-switch-behavior-based-on-type solution Edit I know I'll probably be recommended to the Visitor Pattern but that simply seems to complicated for sparse minor..
Mutating the expression tree of a predicate to target another type http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2797261/mutating-the-expression-tree-of-a-predicate-to-target-another-type searching a bit I found System.Linq.Expressions.ExpressionVisitor its source can be found here in the context of a how to which.. to work with the predicate w w.Id 0 . internal class Visitor ExpressionVisitor private readonly Func Type Type typeConverter.. the predicate w w.Id 0 . internal class Visitor ExpressionVisitor private readonly Func Type Type typeConverter public Visitor..
Writing the F# recursive folder visitor in C# - seq vs IEnumerable http://stackoverflow.com/questions/308481/writing-the-f-recursive-folder-visitor-in-c-sharp-seq-vs-ienumerable getting any further than this static IEnumerable string Visitor string root string filter foreach var file in Directory.GetFiles.. in Directory.GetDirectories root foreach var file in Visitor subdir filter yield return file What I don't understand is why..
Get all 'where' calls using ExpressionVisitor http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4515550/get-all-where-calls-using-expressionvisitor all 'where' calls using ExpressionVisitor I have a query like such var query from sessions in dataSet.. sessions.Duration I want to implement an ExpressionVisitor to extract BOTH the where clauses as Lambda's but so far have.. It is internal class InnermostWhereFinder ExpressionVisitor private MethodCallExpression innermostWhereExpression public..
Why do I need the Singleton design pattern? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/482594/why-do-i-need-the-singleton-design-pattern level way. This is the typical case where the Iterator or Visitor patterns can apply. That's the way it has been done in the C..
Look if a method is called inside a method using reflection http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5741350/look-if-a-method-is-called-inside-a-method-using-reflection returned by the enumerator class CallTreeSearch T BaseCodeVisitor IEnumerable T where T class private readonly Func MethodReference.. _maxrecursiondepth swapout the collection because Visitor will modify var clone new Dictionary MethodDefinition Stack..
how to improve this method using polymorphism+overloading so as to reduce IS (type check)? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9892660/how-to-improve-this-method-using-polymorphismoverloading-so-as-to-reduce-is-ty then the standard way to do that is to implement the Visitor Pattern which you can look up on the internet easily. share..