c# Programming Glossary: viewmodellocator
Best tutorial to learn MVVMLight SimpleIoc use? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13795596/best-tutorial-to-learn-mvvmlight-simpleioc-use 1 You register all your interfaces and objects in the ViewModelLocator class ViewModelLocator static ViewModelLocator ServiceLocator.SetLocatorProvider.. your interfaces and objects in the ViewModelLocator class ViewModelLocator static ViewModelLocator ServiceLocator.SetLocatorProvider SimpleIoc.Default.. in the ViewModelLocator class ViewModelLocator static ViewModelLocator ServiceLocator.SetLocatorProvider SimpleIoc.Default if ViewModelBase.IsInDesignModeStatic..
MVVM Light & WPF - Binding Multiple instances of a Window to a ViewModel http://stackoverflow.com/questions/16993433/mvvm-light-wpf-binding-multiple-instances-of-a-window-to-a-viewmodel by MVVM Light or pure XAML. I've tried using MVVM Light's ViewModelLocator but since AdventurerView is a window it won't work it says Can't.. compatibility 2006 mc Ignorable d Application.Resources vm ViewModelLocator x Key Locator d IsDataSource True DataTemplate DataType x Type..
How to have multiple pairs “View-ViewModel”? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2830517/how-to-have-multiple-pairs-view-viewmodel and each one should bind to its own ViewModel. The default ViewModelLocator implements ViewModels as singletons therefore different instances.. no obligation to store the ViewModels as singletons in the ViewModelLocator but it certainly makes them easier to find if the view is a.. of the ViewModel you can implement a dictionary in the ViewModelLocator that looks up for a ViewModel according to a key. The key can..