c# Programming Glossary: virtualalloc
Run Program from byte array http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2977135/run-program-from-byte-array execute the contents of a byte array. Basically you use VirtualAlloc to allocate an executable region on the heap with a known address..
x86/x64 CPUID in C# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3216535/x86-x64-cpuid-in-c-sharp x86CodeBytes else codeBytes x64CodeBytes codePointer VirtualAlloc IntPtr.Zero new UIntPtr uint codeBytes.Length AllocationType.COMMIT.. SetLastError true private static extern IntPtr VirtualAlloc IntPtr lpAddress UIntPtr dwSize AllocationType flAllocationType.. new byte 12 if IntPtr.Size 4 IntPtr p NativeMethods.VirtualAlloc IntPtr.Zero new UIntPtr uint x86_CPUID0_INSNS.Length AllocationTypes.Commit..
Is it possible to write a JIT compiler (to native code) entirely in a managed .NET language http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9557293/is-it-possible-to-write-a-jit-compiler-to-native-code-entirely-in-a-managed-n DllImport kernel32.dll SetLastError true extern IntPtr VirtualAlloc IntPtr lpAddress UIntPtr dwSize AllocationType flAllocationType.. let main args string let executableMemory VirtualAlloc IntPtr.Zero UIntPtr uint32 JITcode.Length AllocationType.COMMIT..
Is it possible to execute an x86 assembly sequence from within C#? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/959087/is-it-possible-to-execute-an-x86-assembly-sequence-from-within-c kernel32.dll SetLastError true static extern IntPtr VirtualAlloc IntPtr lpAddress uint dwSize uint flAllocationType uint flProtect.. 0xc3 byte body bodyBuilder.ToArray IntPtr buf VirtualAlloc IntPtr.Zero uint body.Length MEM_COMMIT PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE..