c# Programming Glossary: violate
simple calculation not working for some reason http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12329042/simple-calculation-not-working-for-some-reason to 42 million files... As a side note your parameter names violate .NET naming conventions. They should be camelCased totalFilesCount..
How do I ensure Linq to Sql doesn't override or violate non-nullable DB default values? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/201706/how-do-i-ensure-linq-to-sql-doesnt-override-or-violate-non-nullable-db-default do I ensure Linq to Sql doesn't override or violate non nullable DB default values I have an SQL Server DB with..
Is there a difference between return myVar vs. return (myVar)? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2186595/is-there-a-difference-between-return-myvar-vs-return-myvar not contain a method group. Again for your convenience we violate the specification and allow the conversion. Third enum E None.. followed by the literal zero followed by a parenthesis. We violate the specification here and actually allow any compile time constant..
Why isn't there generic variance for classes in C# 4.0? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2733346/why-isnt-there-generic-variance-for-classes-in-c-sharp-4-0 why this couldn't be typesafe. An operation which would violate type safety on a mutable data structure can be safely covariant..
why Object.GetType() is not virtual? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3253329/why-object-gettype-is-not-virtual
Why can't my public class extend an internal class? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3626958/why-cant-my-public-class-extend-an-internal-class members that would otherwise be protected. You can't violate the protection level of the parent class by implementing a child..
Discrete Anonymous methods sharing a class? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3885106/discrete-anonymous-methods-sharing-a-class it sees the same value whatever changes it. This doesn't violate the spec in any way but it could be considered unfortunate I..
SQL WHERE clause matching values with trailing spaces http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4166159/sql-where-clause-matching-values-with-trailing-spaces rather than simple string equality tests this does not violate the section of the ANSI SQL 92 specification mentioned earlier...
How to implement ConcurrentHashSet in .Net http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4306936/how-to-implement-concurrenthashset-in-net on esp. I am not sure if I can use a foreach and still not violate concurrency public class ConcurrentHashSet TElement ISet TElement..
Entity Framework Include() is not working http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4474951/entity-framework-include-is-not-working of the thread . Although I cannot really see that you violate any of the rules to follow when using Include as described in..
Calling mono c# code from Microsoft .net? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/476486/calling-mono-c-sharp-code-from-microsoft-net them to compile down to an exe for moonlight so it did not violate the terms of service for iphone so it got me thinking what else..
When to use struct in C#? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/521298/when-to-use-struct-in-c not have to be boxed frequently. Microsoft consistently violates those rules Okay #2 and #3 anyway. Our beloved dictionary has.. must perform its function efficiently unless this would violate rule #1 The struct must remain intact during its use unless..
Properties vs Methods http://stackoverflow.com/questions/601621/properties-vs-methods complex or produce side effects. When it does not violate the following guidelines consider using a property rather than..
Why doesn't C# support the return of references? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6339602/why-doesnt-c-sharp-support-the-return-of-references that determines uses of ref returns that clearly do not violate stack safety. What we would do is write such a detector and..
Why is memory access in the lowest address space (non-null though) reported as NullReferenceException by .NET? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7940492/why-is-memory-access-in-the-lowest-address-space-non-null-though-reported-as-n ulong val addr They're both invalid pointers and both violate memory access rules. Why the NullReferenceException c# .net..
Why does System.Type.GetHashCode return the same value for all instances and types? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8178115/why-does-system-type-gethashcode-return-the-same-value-for-all-instances-and-typ is a non issue at runtime as the returned values do not violate the rules for implementing Object.GetHashCode . But as you noted..
Event Bubbling and MVP: ASP.NET http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8851933/event-bubbling-and-mvp-asp-net to create MVP that is easy to do Unit Testing and does not violate MVP architecure. Note Though this is a simple example I am expecting..